Mountains And Rivers
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Mountains And Rivers

🏙️⛰🌊 The prosperity of the world is finally no match for the simplicity and tranquility of the mountains and rivers. // 繁华世景,终不敌这山河简静。 Fánhuá shì jǐng, zhōng bù dí zhè shānhé jiǎn jìng. // Phồn hoa thế cảnh, chung bất địch giá sơn hà giản tĩnh. // Cảnh thế giới phồn hoa cuối cùng cũng không…

Ama Tree

Ama Tree

[Arbor Day in China – 植树节] 🌳 A special tree I saw in Changping Valley at Mt. Siguniang in Sichuan: Ama Tree (阿妈树). Although the trunk is old, it uses the remaining nutrients to nurture new shoots. The whole tree gave birth to 199 new lives. The withering branches point to Shuangqiao Valley, Changping Valley,…

Alone Time

Alone Time

[Tiếng Việt ở phần dưới] In the midst of the current endless noise in the living room where I’m writing this article, I feel lucky to have just achieved the quietness I need as I got into the swimming pool this afternoon. I was only planning to swim 150m at first, and comparing my exercise…

Finding Your Path
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Finding Your Path

💔🚶‍♀️ Actually, if you get married or not, you will regret it. The cats in the alley are free, but they have no home. The dogs in the fence have a home, but they have to keep their heads down for the rest of their lives. // 其实吧 就是,结不结婚都会后悔,巷子里的猫很自由,但是没有归宿,围栏里的狗有归宿,但一辈子都要低着头。 Qíshí ba jiùshì, jié bù jiéhūn…

Change Destiny
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Change Destiny

2️⃣💪🌟 The two most precious words in the world: One is called “serious” and the other is called “persistent”. Serious people change themselves, persistent people change their destiny. // 世界上最可贵的两个词: 一个叫“认真”,一个叫“坚持”。 认真的人改变自己,坚持的人改变命运。 Shìjiè shàng zuì kěguì de liǎng gè cí: Yīgè jiào “rènzhēn”, yīgè jiào “jiānchí”. Rènzhēn de rén gǎibiàn zìjǐ, jiānchí de rén gǎibiàn…

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💪😔🗣️ No one doesn’t work hard, but some people don’t cry pain. // 没有人不辛苦 只是有人不喊疼。 Méiyǒurén bù xīnkǔ zhǐshì yǒu rén bù hǎn téng. // Một hữu nhân bất tân khổ chích thị hữu nhân bất hảm đông. // Không ai không nỗ lực, nhưng có người không kêu đau. P.s.: Picture taken in Changping…

Truth Revealed
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Truth Revealed

💪🌟 The truth is that loneliness makes you strong and makes you a better person. ​​​​ // 真相就是这样,孤独让你强大,让你成为一个更好的人。 ​​​​ Zhēnxiàng jiùshì zhèyàng, gūdú ràng nǐ qiángdà, ràng nǐ chéngwéi yīgè gèng hǎo de rén. ​​​​ // Chân tương tựu thị giá dạng, cô độc nhượng nhĩ cường đại, nhượng nhĩ thành vi nhất cá canh…

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🌳👴🌍 There are thousand-year-old trees in the mountains. It’s rare to find a hundred-year-old person in the world. // 山中也有千年树, 世上难逢百岁人。 Shānzhōng yěyǒu qiānnián shù, Shìshàng nán féng bǎi suì rén. // Sơn trung dã hữu thiên niên thụ, Thế thượng nan phùng bách tuế nhân. // Trong núi có cây sống ngàn năm, Trên…