Nature Is Healing
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Nature Is Healing

🌳🌳 Fortunately, there are trees, life still has moments of relaxation, nostalgia still has wings to fly. // 幸好有树,生活还有放松的时刻,留恋还有展翅高飞。 Xìnghǎo yǒu shù, shēnghuó hái yǒu fàngsōng de shíkè, liúliàn hái yǒu zhǎnchì gāo fēi. // Hạnh hảo hữu thụ, sinh hoạt hoàn hữu phóng tùng đích thì khắc, lưu luyến hoàn hữu triển sí cao…

Moc Chau

Moc Chau

No need to go to Hà Giang to see buckwheat flowers, no need to go to Thái Bình for mustard flowers, no need to go to Đà Lạt for wild sunflowers. Soon, there will be cherry blossoms, apricot blossoms, and mountain ebony flowers right here. // Không cần đi Hà Giang cũng có hoa tam…