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🌟💪🧘‍♂️ Raising your head in adversity shows resilience, bowing in prosperity shows calmness; Raising your head in low positions shows dignity, bowing in high positions shows humility; Raising your head in disappointment shows confidence, bowing when right shows tolerance. // 逆境时抬头是一种韧劲,顺境时低头是一种冷静; 位卑时抬头是一种骨气,位高时低头是一种谦逊; 失意时抬头是一种自信,得理时低头是一种宽容。 Nìjìng shí táitóu shì yī zhǒng rènjìn, shùnjìng shí dītóu shì yī…

Journey Of Life
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Journey Of Life

🚶‍♂️🛣️ Some say it gotta be very twisted Some say it is all about fate As the ahead is good or not Whom actually I should listen to Ask the direction when you get lost Turn back when it’s a dead end // 有的说很辗转 有的说看命运 前面它是好是坏 不知道究竟该相信谁 迷路了问问道 死胡同往后退 Yǒu de shuō hěn niǎnzhuǎn Yǒu…