Autumn Delights

In the late autumn season, there is nothing better than a steaming meal.
Shēnqiū shíjié, chī shàng yī fèn rèqì téngténg de fàn shì zài měihǎo bùguò de shìle.
Thâm thu thì tiết, cật thượng nhất phân nhiệt khí đằng đằng đích phạn thị tái mỹ hảo bất quá đích sự liễu.
Trong tiết trời cuối thu, có một bữa ăn bốc khói nghi ngút thì còn gì tuyệt hơn.

Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), also known as Purple Star Astrology, is a traditional form of Chinese astrology that is based on the position of stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth. Learn more at

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: How To Use Plants To Change Your Career Luck?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: How To Use Plants To Change Your Career Luck?

Q: How to use plants to change your career luck?

A: Qi Sha: Snake plants can boost your confidence and enhance your charisma in your career.

Po Jun: Cactus plants can inspire your fighting spirit and help you achieve new heights in your career.

Lian Zhen: Wallace Yew trees can calm your mind in urgent situations and help you maintain your determination.

Tan Lang: Snapdragon plants can improve your sensitivity, leading your career to greater success.

Zi Wei: Dragon’s blood plants can sharpen your mind and provide clarity, enabling you to make more accurate judgments.

Tian Fu: Dumb Cane plants can make you more resolute in decision-making, strengthening your career path.

Wu Qu: Golden barrel cactus plants can bring financial luck and boost your business endeavors.

Tian Xiang: Canna lily plants can enhance your advantages and bring you more luck.

Tai Yang: Pomegranate trees can make your thinking more flexible and help you harness energy within yourself.

Ju Men: Aloe Vera plants can absorb harmful substances from the air, making your thinking clearer.

Tian Ji: Calathea roseopicta plants play an important role in keeping your mind alert and making the right decisions.

Tian Liang: Pistachio trees can stimulate a youthful attitude, opening up new avenues in your career.

Tian Tong: Stone Lotus plants can brighten your mood, improving the quality of your work.

Tai Yin: Orchid plants have a soothing effect on relieving work-related stress and boosting your work spirit.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

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I want to be a boss but I don’t have ambition. I want to be a trust fund baby but too bad, dear old dad doesn’t have loads of money. Back to work it is.
Xiǎng dāng lǎobǎn kěshì yǒu xióngxīn mù yǒu zhuàngzhì, xiǎng zuò fù èr dài kěxí lǎo diē mù yǒu hěnduō yínliǎng, jìxù shàngbān.
Tưởng đương lão bản khả thị hữu hùng tâm mộc hữu tráng chí, tưởng tố phú nhị đại khả tích lão đa mộc hữu ngận đa ngân lưỡng, kế tục thượng ban.
Muốn làm ông chủ nhưng có hùng tâm không có tráng chí, muốn làm phú nhị đại đáng tiếc bố tôi không có nhiều tiền, tiếp tục đi làm thôi.

Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), also known as Purple Star Astrology, is a traditional form of Chinese astrology that is based on the position of stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth. Learn more at

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