Self Confidence

Stay confident without being arrogant, stay calm without being hurried, and don’t let external standards define you. Grow at your own pace with grace.
不卑不亢,不慌不忙,不被外界的标准裏挟,以合适的节奏自在生长。 ​​​
Bùbēibùkàng, bù huāng bù máng, bù bèi wàijiè de biāozhǔn lǐ xié, yǐ héshì de jiézòu zìzài shēngzhǎng. ​​​
Bất ti bất kháng, bất hoảng bất mang, bất bị ngoại giới đích tiêu chuẩn lý hiệp, dĩ hợp thích đích tiết tấu tự tại sinh trường. ​​​
Không kiêu ngạo không siểm nịnh, không hoang mang không vội vàng, không bị các tiêu chuẩn bên ngoài áp đặt, phát triển tự do với tiết tấu phù hợp.

Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), also known as Purple Star Astrology, is a traditional form of Chinese astrology that is based on the position of stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth. Learn more at

Zi Wei Dou Shu – 2023.8.27 Daily Horoscope

Zi Wei Dou Shu – 2023.8.27 Daily Horoscope

Zi Wei Dou Shu – Exclusive daily horoscope of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs on August 27, 2023

Best auspicious: 🐮 Ox, 🐵 Monkey, 🐲 Dragon
Second best: 🐯 Tiger, 🐷 Pig, 🐭 Rat
Not good: 🐔 Rooster, 🐏 Sheep, 🐴 Horse

🐭 Rat:
People born in the year of the Rat have a very good work attitude today, without any complaints, and work hard step by step.
🐮 Ox:
People who belong to the Ox have good luck today, and things at work are developing in a good direction. As for wealth, it is even more enviable.
🐯 Tiger:
People who belong to the Tiger have clear goals and challenges today. In their daily work, no matter how busy the work is, they can smile, persevere and be self-satisfied.
🐰 Rabbit or 😺 Cat:
Rabbit/Cat people, luck is not very good today, it is best not to joke with others, it will embarrass yourself, and don’t go to crowded places, it will cause a lot of trouble.
🐲 Dragon:
People who belong to the Dragon will be favored by the God of Wealth today. Not only can they easily get gifts and banquets, but they can also meet with distinguished guests at critical moments, complete a big business and make a lot of money.
🐍 Snake:
Snake people are under a lot of pressure today, and there is also an indescribable irritability in their hearts, because they are too lazy.
🐴 Horse:
Horse people, today is really too busy, there is too much pressure, there are all kinds of things, working overtime every day, it is really hard to feel a sense of accomplishment.
🐏 Sheep:
People who belong to the Sheep, today’s interpersonal relationship has declined, conflicts are likely to occur when communicating with others, and emotions are easily affected.
🐵 Monkey:
Monkey people, if you are lucky today, you will be energetic and full of energy, and you will show your abilities in front of your boss, and your boss will look at you with admiration.
🐔 Rooster:
Rooster people are in a very bad mood today, not only prone to negative emotions, but also not interested in anything, and even unable to concentrate on work.
🐶 Dog:
If you belong to the Dog, you will have a very good fortune in wealth today. When you are free, you can find friends, play cards, and make money easily, but you may be a little depressed at work.
🐷 Pig:
People who belong to the Pig have quick brains, are very flexible, and can adapt to work well.

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Maturity Insights

👤🤝🌱 #MaturityInsights #RespectfulBoundaries #WisePerspective
As we grow older, we come to understand that “Try not to cause trouble for others, and it’s best if others don’t trouble me either.” This statement isn’t about indifference; it’s about maturity. – Wang Zijian
长大后才知道,“尽量不给别人添麻烦,别人最好也别麻烦我。” 这句话不是冷漠,而是成熟。- 王自健 ​​​
Zhǎng dà hòu cái zhīdào, “jǐnliàng bù gěi biérén tiān máfan, biérén zuì hǎo yě bié máfan wǒ.” Zhè jù huà bùshì lěngmò, ér shì chéngshú. – Wángzìjiàn ​​​
Trường đại hậu tài tri đạo, “Tận lượng bất cấp biệt nhân thiêm ma phiền, biệt nhân tối hảo dã biệt ma phiền ngã.” Giá cú thoại bất thị lãnh mạc, nhi thị thành thục.- Vương Tự Kiện ​​​
Lớn lên mới biết, “Cố gắng không gây thêm phiền phức cho người khác, người khác tốt nhất cũng đừng làm phiền tôi.” Câu này không phải là lạnh lùng, mà là chín chắn. – Vương Tự Kiện

Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), also known as Purple Star Astrology, is a traditional form of Chinese astrology that is based on the position of stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth. Learn more at

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