Singapore, Day 3: Way Back Home

Because I went back to the hostel very late last night, I woke up late this morning. Finally found the place to eat near the MRT station, but the food there was not so good.
We decided to stroll a bigger round of the Chinatown, visited a pagoda, bought some more gifts, and finally fed our tummies at the Chinatown Food Street with a waffle and a big crab. Not my fav kinds of food, either.

We also came back to the Marina Bay but couldn’t find the Merlion. So funny.

We came to the airport early around 2pm and took some photos with their Christmas decorations. A strange thing was that the baggage scanning was right at the gate before we boarded the plane. And that’s wrapping our Singapore trip.

Though the country was kinda clean (except that ppl smoke outside a lot when we walked around the bay) and its architecture was kinda beautiful, I din’t think that I would come back here for the second time.

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