Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: Which Star Will Change Himself for Love?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: Which Star Will Change Himself for Love?

Q: Which star will change himself for love?

A: In love, everyone often laments, “Love is easy, but living together for the long term is difficult.” In reality, if both sides can be accommodating and willing to compromise with each other, many conflicts can be resolved. The following types of men are relatively willing to compromise in front of their partners:

Qi Sha: Men with the Qi Sha are wholeheartedly dedicated to love. They believe that changing oneself for the sake of the loved one is a natural thing to do. However, if you want them to change according to your wishes, you should choose a time when both of your emotions are at their strongest. Skillfully navigate the situation, or else, waiting until the intensity of their emotions has passed will make it very difficult for them to change.

Lian Zhen: For those who are proud and arrogant like the Lian Zhen, getting them to change is a challenging task. However, they are not devoid of reason. If they sense your deep and genuine love, they will naturally be willing to change for you.

Wu Qu: In romantic matters, men with Wu Qu can be quite stubborn. Yet, they are also very rational. If their changes can make the love between you two even more profound, they will agree to give change a try.

Ju Men: Men with Ju Men may outwardly firmly oppose your opinions, but after a dispute, they will ponder over it and silently attempt to change themselves.

Tian Ji: To safeguard their interests, those with the Tian Ji will vehemently object to your suggestions at the beginning of the relationship. However, if you get upset or even hurt because of that, they will immediately agree to comply with your requests.

Tai Yin: Men with Tai Yin care deeply about their partner’s feelings. They will obey the requests you put forward.

Tian Tong: With a gentle and amiable nature, those with Tian Tong won’t overthink things. If you tell them you want them to change, they will willingly do so.

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Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: Which Major Star Is Most Likely To Avoid Responsibilities In Love?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: Which Major Star Is Most Likely To Avoid Responsibilities In Love?

Q: Which major star is most likely to avoid responsibilities in love?

A: Making mistakes is not scary, but what is truly frightening is making mistakes and not daring to face them. Among the 14 major stars in Zi Wei Dou Shu, who belongs to this group of people?

Tian Ji is a thoughtful thinker and can be considered a man who knows how to care and understand others’ intentions. However, their personality is a bit stubborn, and they dislike admitting their mistakes. If there is an issue arising from something you and he are dealing with together, he will put all the blame on you.

Being stubborn and conservative, Ju Men rarely takes the initiative to admit mistakes. Finding excuses is easy for them.

Tai Yang values their reputation, especially in front of their partner. They will go to great lengths to protect their dignity, even if they make mistakes. They will come up with a bunch of reasons to cleanse themselves of any wrongdoing.

People with Po Jun in their destiny may possess both good and evil qualities. However, when it comes to their own affairs, they may not be as fair. Even if they are forced to admit their mistakes, they will portray a righteous image, claiming that their actions are wise.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

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Zi Wei Dou Shu Client Feedback – Anton

Zi Wei Dou Shu Customer Feedback – Anton

My name is Anton and I have always been interested in Chinese culture and metaphysics. I have tried different methods of fortune-telling such as Bazi and tarot cards, but none of them gave me the clarity and accuracy that I found in Zi Wei Dou Shu.

I was amazed by how detailed and accurate Zi Wei Dou Shu was for me. It not only showed me my strengths and weaknesses, but also gave me guidance on how to improve my situation and achieve my goals. It also revealed some hidden potentials and opportunities that I was not aware of before. For example, it told me that I had a strong star called Tian Ji in my career palace, which meant that I had good luck in finding creative solutions and making strategic decisions. This helped me to boost my confidence and performance at work.

Zi Wei Dou Shu also helped me to understand myself better and relate to others more harmoniously. It showed me how my personality was influenced by different elements such as wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.

I highly recommend Zi Wei Dou Shu to anyone who wants to know more about their destiny and potential. It is a powerful tool that can help you make better choices and live a happier life. You can consult Ngoc Nga, professional Zi Wei Dou Shu master, for more in-depth analysis.

– Anton

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