Australia, Day 2: The First Feel Of Sydney

After sitting for more than 8 hours, unable to sleep because of the cold, the “Pay To Play” airline took me to the destination. My big bro picked us up and drove us to his home.

I kinda liked the mix of ancient and modern architecture of this urban city. In the car, I crossed the Sydney Harbor Bridge and saw the Opera House too. The suburb of my brother’s home had many trees which made me feel like Da Lat.

First off, I tried some Australian food prepared by my sis-in-law as I was as hungry as a wolf. Then I went to the pool to see my big nephew learn to swim. After that, he showed me how he played the piano and games (toys, chess, rubic, puzzle, and scrabble).

Now it’s time to make up for the loss of sleep. Did I have a jet lag?

P.s.: Picture taken in Sydney, New South Wales, Australia in 2018.

Trekking Ta Nang (Lam Dong)

My company organized a 2-day trip to trek Ta Nang for managers. Despite advice to practice before the trip, I didn’t think it would be as hard a the hikes/treks I did in Kangding, Danba, or Garzê (all in Sichuan province of China) in 2009. Turned out I was wrong somehow.

The day before the trek, we finished our work early and left the office for the Tan Son Nhat airport. We flew to Lien Khuong Airport at Dalat and then checked in to the hotel.
The next morning, we started off quite late, and only after the farm truck arrived at a small house did we begin to really walk off the paved area, around 10AM. It was very sunny, but I didn’t feel any tired in the morning because we only walked through a meadow. We were taking a rest real soon, around 1PM. After siesta, I began to realize that we had to climb over some steep slopes. Only at those places was I slower than others.

We reached to the tents at Ta Nang top at 4PM. Too early. I learned that we walked just about 8km today. My thighs hurt a bit.

I had a really fun night with my colleagues. We had a warm dinner by the fire, then we sang the night away. Though I brought my own backpack all the way up to the top, I had to admire the health of porters who brought almost everything that we needed.

This was the first time I slept in a tent on a mountain. It was a good experience though.
We woke up early the next morning, and helped unload the tents before going down. Because we had to take the flight home in Lam Dong, we didn’t have a chance to continue but go back. The road was not too difficult but there were many turns. Unluckily, I saw no waterfall.

Still I had the fear of crossing a very tiny tree bridge over a stream.

We were present at the small house around 10. I really walked slowly on the way back to talk with some female colleagues my age. The best thing about this trip was to connect with other managers.

I guessed I’d have a good tan now after the trek, and sore legs for a few days ahead.
The top wasn’t as high (as in China), my health wasn’t as good as I had been 9 years ago, but I wanna trek more mountains after this tiring trip.

My new pair of trekking shoes were a bit damaged after the trek. I’d have to bring them to the seller to repair soon.

Check out the video of the trip done by the organizer team:

Looking back at the trip, it was my most memorable moment in this company. The previous company trip wasn’t as delighted.

P.s.: Picture taken in Ta Nang, Lam Dong, Vietnam in 2018.

Moc Chau

No need to go to Hà Giang to see buckwheat flowers, no need to go to Thái Bình for mustard flowers, no need to go to Đà Lạt for wild sunflowers. Soon, there will be cherry blossoms, apricot blossoms, and mountain ebony flowers right here.
Không cần đi Hà Giang cũng có hoa tam giác mạch, không cần đi Thái Bình cũng có hoa cải, không cần đi Đà Lạt cũng có hoa dã quỳ. Trễ xíu nữa có cả hoa mận, hoa mơ, hoa ban í chứ.

P.s.: Picture taken in Moc Chau, Son La, Vietnam in 2017.

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