Zi Wei Dou Shu – 2024.9.8 Daily Horoscope

Zi Wei Dou Shu – 2024.9.8 Daily Horoscope

Zi Wei Dou Shu – Exclusive daily horoscope of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs on September 8, 2024

Auspicious: 🐮 Ox, 🐵 Monkey, 🐔 Rooster
Inauspicious: 🐭 Rat, 🐯 Tiger, 🐷 Pig

Auspicious zodiacs:
🐮 Ox:
People born in the year of the Ox will be blessed with good luck today. They will be energetic, have a flexible mind, and be able to bring their unique talents into play. They are expected to be valued by their leaders. With the help of noble people, they will be able to negotiate and cooperate smoothly with others, and their wishes will be easily realized.

🐵 Monkey:
People born in the year of the Monkey will be happy today, full of energy, active in thinking, outstanding in performance, and courteous in dealing with others. With the help of noble people, you can make more like-minded friends through friends and colleagues and expand your interpersonal relationships.

🐔 Rooster:
People born in the year of the Rooster will have good luck today. They will be quick-witted, energetic, confident in themselves, and their opinions will be recognized and adopted by their leaders. Even if they encounter difficulties, they will get help from noble people. They should seize the opportunity to show themselves. They are active in socializing and are welcomed everywhere.

Inauspicious zodiacs:
🐭 Rat:
People born in the year of the Rat are sensitive and suspicious today. They pay too much attention to their own feelings and ignore the people around them. They are easily hurt, blocked, or even thrown cold water on by others. When you are in a bad mood, don’t easily agree to other people’s requests, so as not to lose trust and be despised by others.

🐯 Tiger:
People born in the year of the Tiger will be depressed today. Someone will attack you, and you will easily get into trouble. You will also spend a lot of money just because you are in a good mood. You will spend money on shopping to vent your inner unhappiness. You will be easily deceived by the salesperson’s sweet talk and buy worthless things. It is recommended to stay calm.

🐷 Pig:
People born in the year of the Pig will have a very bad day today. They are not satisfied with their work, have low income, and are in a bad mood. Take some time to go to the amusement park with your friends to play exciting games, such as bungee jumping, Ferris wheel, pirate ship, etc. Let the unhappiness disappear in the shouting and enjoy the thrill in the thrill.

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

FAQ: Who Can Keep Your Secrets?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: Who Can Keep Your Secrets?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Who can keep your secrets? 🤐🔒🗝️

A: Those born under Tian Liang have a cautious nature and generally avoid discussing or mentioning others’ private matters. If someone in a group conversation says something detrimental about another person, Tian Liang may even step in to scold them, protecting the privacy and dignity of the individual. Therefore, those under Tian Liang are definitely capable of keeping their friends’ secrets.

Individuals with Tai Yin tend to be friendly, but they never use sharp words to discuss others’ affairs, making them trustworthy keepers of secrets.

While those under Tian Ji are intelligent and sharp, they have a sense of moderation when it comes to gossip and trivial matters. Even if they contribute to a lively atmosphere, they know when to stop and won’t discuss others’ private affairs.

Individuals under Tian Fu dislike conflict and have a compassionate heart. They won’t use harsh words to comment on others, always maintaining an optimistic and progressive attitude. However, occasionally, they may engage in some light gossip.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Dan Chi Gui Chi

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Dan Chi Gui Chi

Zi Wei Dou Shu constellation: Dan Chi Gui Chi

The Dan Chi Gui Chi constellation refers to Tai Yang (the Sun) residing in the Dragon palace and Tai Yin (the Moon) residing in the Dog palace, with the Destiny palace positioned in either the Dragon or Dog palace. Alternatively, it can refer to the Sun in the Snake palace and the Moon in the Rooster palace, with the Destiny palace positioned in either the Snake or Rooster palace.

An ancient verse says:
“The two stars shine brightly and find their rightful place,
Their talent and reputation define a hero,
In youth, success is achieved and a career in government begins,
One step to the sky transforms into a dragon.”

In ancient times, when the brightest Sun resided in the Destiny palace, it was referred to as “Dan Chi” (Sun terrace), and when the brightest Moon resided in the Destiny palace, it was called “Dan Chi” (Moon terrace).

In the past, success in the imperial examinations and obtaining a government position were highly valued, while the wealth of merchants was less respected. Therefore, the Dan Chi Gui Chi constellation was considered highly beneficial for pursuing fame. This led to ancient sayings such as:
– “When the Sun occupies the Rabbit/Cat palace, wealth and honor will follow.”
– “If the Sun occupies the Destiny palace in Rabbit/Cat, Dragon, Snake, or Horse and encounters auspicious stars, great nobility is assured.”
– “The Moon in the Rat palace is like the Moon’s reflection on crystal waters, allowing one to achieve a significant and influential position, becoming a loyal and righteous advisor.”
– “When the Moon shines in the Pig palace, promotions and honors will come swiftly.”
All these sayings emphasize the brightest positions of the Sun and Moon.

However, later scholars leaned toward finding constellations where both stars were bright, aiming to enhance the prestige of the natal chart. This led to the creation of constellations such as “Ri Yue Jing Ming” (The Sun and Moon shine together) and “Ri Yue Hui Ming” (The Sun and Moon unite in brightness). The names “Dan Chi” and “Gui Chi” became less commonly used.

This constellation has strict conditions. First, it must encounter a Wealth (Lu) star. Second, it needs to meet auspicious stars such as Wen Qu, Wen Chang, and Zuo Fu, You Bi. Lastly, it should encounter a few malefic stars like Huo Xing, Ling Xing, Qing Yang, Tuo Luo. If these conditions are met, the chart’s structure becomes highly favorable, making it less reliant on specific constellations.

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

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