Own Hero

💥💪🌧️In the future, I will only be my own hero, and no longer desire others to shelter from the wind and rain.
Yǐhòu zhǐ zuò zìjǐ de yīngxióng, bù zài kěwàng biérén zhē fēngdǎng yǔ.
Dĩ hậu chích tố tự kỷ đích anh hùng, bất tái khát vọng biệt nhân già phong đáng vũ.
Về sau chỉ làm anh hùng của mình, không còn khát vọng người khác che mưa chắn gió nữa.

P.s.: Picture taken in Shanghai, China in 2019.

Anhui – Zhejiang – Shanghai 2019, Day 6: Yanguan Ancient Town, Xidi Ancient Village And Flying Home

Before leaving Haining, Jiaxing, we dropped by a place called Yanguan Old Town. It was raining a bit while I walked through some old houses, the Qiantang River Dam, Jin Young’s college, the former residence of Wang Guowei. Most doors were closed, and there were only a few tourists here. It was a pity. I wished to see more inside of the town.

Then we really left Zhejiang to come back to Anhui province. On the way, the tour guide introduced to us a dry fruit called wuyanguo (5-eye fruit) which later I found out was called Nepali hog plum. I tasted really good.

We had a late lunch at 2PM somewhere in Anhui, then we went to see another UNESCO world heritage site called Xidi Ancient Village at 4PM. This place must have been the best place of this trip.

After seeing a nice welcome dance, I was strolling around the village. There were art students with their sketchbooks, easels and tools which made this village so romantic.

I saw them drying sausages and ducks on the walls. I then went to the hill nearby and looked down the village. It was peaceful here.

On the way out, I found a student card someone had dropped. I couldn’t find the guy so I gave it to someone instead.

This was the first time I looked carefully at the Huizhou architecture: white wall, black tile, arch over the gate, and horse-head wall.

Because we had to be present at the airport early in the evening, we had an early dinner at 6:30PM. I also tried for the first time the popular boba milk tea ice cream.

At 7:30PM, I said goodbye to Anhui at Huangshan Tunxi Airport and waited for the flight to take me home to Ho Chi Minh City.

Anhui – Zhejiang – Shanghai 2019, Day 1: Saigon To Huangshan Tunxi Airport

Only 9 days before had I decided to go on another trip to China with my twin sis, this time to 3 provinces/cities of Anhui, Zhejiang, Shanghai. My main visits would be Huangshan (Yellow Mountain), Shanghai, Hangzhou, and Yanguan Ancient Town.

This was another trip that required no individual visa (like my previous trip to Hunan and Hubei). The 4-hour non-stop flight stopped at the Huangshan Tunxi International Airport at 9PM. Some local officials with banners saying that this was the first flight from Ho Chi Minh City. They also gave us some Chinese and Vietnamese flags. I learned that this trip was sponsored by China. That was why this tour of 6 days was so cheap. With the same amount of money, I might have bought the plane tickets only.

I was asked in English by two customs officers how many times I’ve been to China. This time I didn’t have to scan my finger prints any more. It was my easiest Chinese customs check ever. I loved Huangshan!

Because of taking photos for some local newspapers or promotion(?), it took us all an hour to get out of the airport. Around 30 mins later, I could lie down on my bed and call it a night.
Outside of my window I saw a pine tree with the top turning to the the color of fall. I hoped to see more autumn leaves on this Jiangnan trip.

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