FAQ: How To Attract The Attention Of Different Customers?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: How to attract the attention of different customers?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: How to attract the attention of different customers? 🎯👀💡

A: Customers are like gods, and to retain familiar customers, we must know how they like to be served. Different major stars have different preferences, and understanding these preferences is key to providing excellent service.

Zi Wei customers like to feel pampered and elevated. Allow them to make their own choices, then compliment them with words like “You have a discerning eye.” This can easily secure their favor for their next visit.

Tian Ji appreciates conversation and bargaining. If the service staff remains patient, genuine, and even offers a small gift, it is sure to delight them.

Tai Yang prefers sincere and trustworthy service. As long as they get genuine and authentic products, they will appreciate and support both you and your store.

Wu Qu customers typically enter the store with a clear idea of what they want to buy. Display a friendly and patient attitude while presenting each item to them one by one, and they will appreciate the attention.

Tian Tong demands “attentive service.” If the service staff treats them as they would treat friends, it can touch them to the point of making purchases they didn’t initially intend.

Lian Zhen prefers versatile service and the ability to call anytime.

Tian Fu appreciates service staff who think for the customers. If the staff reminds them to handle their belongings carefully while browsing, they will be deeply moved.

Tai Yin requires trust when making a purchase. If the service staff persistently introduces various products, assists them friendly in decision-making, they will become your customers.

Tan Lang likes neatly dressed service staff with harmonious clothing colors and an open personality.

Ju Men appreciates service staff who don’t impose any pressure, silently accompany them, and are good listeners.

Tian Xiang likes polite, gentle service staff with professional product introductions.

Tian Liang likes service staff who can introduce them to promotions or discounted products, making them feel friendly.

Qi Sha likes quick-witted service staff who can promptly find the exact product they request.

Po Jun, when shopping, likes to follow their inspiration. If the service staff can understand their thoughts and provide detailed information about products that catch their interest, they will win their favor.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

FAQ: What Negative Traits Should You Change?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: What negative traits should you change?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: What negative traits should you change? 🤔🙅👎

A: During moments of sadness or anger, humans tend to make mistakes and hurt others, especially those close to them. Regret comes too late after realizing the consequences. Therefore, recognizing your own negative traits early on allows you to control yourself in similar situations, preventing feelings of remorse.

Zi Wei, when in a bad mood, becomes like a deflated ball, sitting quietly and unresponsive to anyone’s words.

Wu Qu, when unhappy, has a fiery and impulsive temper, and straightforward remarks can easily offend others.

Lian Zhen, when facing troubling situations, tends to emit high emotional energy, making them impatient in their actions, leading to neglect of important matters.

Tian Fu, when feeling unhappy, wears an unpleasant expression, as if everyone owes them money, and often remains silent and sullen.

Tian Xiang, when unhappy, seems to ignore others, and they are prone to harshly scold those who speak while they are upset.

Qi Sha, when in a bad mood, likes to be alone. If disturbed by others, they respond coldly, and sometimes even snap at others to be silent.

Po Jun, when in a bad mood, appears like a poisonous snake, turning away and not acknowledging acquaintances.

Tan Lang, when unhappy, becomes unusually silent. If you touch them, they will definitely shift all the blame onto you.

Tai Yang, when feeling frustrated without an outlet, will definitely find an opportunity to vent, possibly causing conflicts and arguments with anyone.

Ju Men, in normal times, can be harsh. When unhappy, they become even more provocative, deliberately seeking trouble.

Tai Yin, usually quiet, becomes unusually temperamental when in a bad mood, and everyone can tell they are upset.

Tian Liang is quick to vent their anger onto others when not happy. If they find even a slight reason, they will scold others relentlessly.

Tian Ji, usually quick-witted, becomes emotionally numb when unhappy, rendering all actions ineffective.

Tian Tong, when not in a good mood, becomes highly emotional, and no one can comfort them.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

FAQ: How To Choose The Path To Wealth?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: How To Choose The Path To Wealth?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: How to choose the path to wealth based on Zi Wei Dou Shu? 💰💡🚀

A: Choosing a path to wealth that suits oneself depends on different astrological factors. People with different major stars are compatible with different forms of investment. Some prefer secure and stable investments, while others are inclined to take risks for the chance of significant gains. Choosing a method that aligns with one’s personality can lead to abundant financial success.

Stars belonging to the initiator group, such as Qi Sha, Po Jun, Lian Zhen, and Tan Lang stars, exhibit ambition for making substantial money. They are also characterized by a spirit of exploration, creativity, and a willingness to take risks. Therefore, they are well-suited for short-term investments.

Stars in the leader group, including Zi Wei, Tian Fu, Wu Qu, and Tian Xiang stars, are known for their steadiness, calm demeanor, and meticulous thinking. These individuals are suitable for a stable path to wealth, and financial decisions should involve professional advice.

Stars in the supporter group, such as Tai Yang, Ju Men, and Tian Ji stars, have quick reflexes but may lack effective action. Therefore, they are advised to choose medium to short-term investment methods. Additionally, overcoming scattered thinking habits is essential for better investment outcomes.

Stars in the collaborator group, including Tai Yin, Tian Liang, and Tian Tong stars, value relationships with others and have significant opportunities for wealth through collaboration.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

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