Old People Doubt The Truth

🤔💡🔄 Old people doubt the truth, young people believe in lies, adults think and then do, children do and then think. // 老年人怀疑真的, 年轻人相信假的, 大人想了在做, 小孩做了在想。 Lǎonián rén huáiyí zhēn de, niánqīng rén xiāngxìn jiǎ de, dàrén xiǎngle zài zuò, xiǎohái zuòle zài xiǎng. // Lão niên nhân hoài nghi chân đích, niên khinh nhân … Read more

Sharing Stories

🌸🍃💬 Not everyone is suitable to sit down with me, look at the sky and flowers, and share stories protected in our hearts. // 不是每个人都适合和我坐下来,看看天,看看花,分享我们心中被保护的故事。 Bùshì měi gèrén dōu shìhé hé wǒ zuò xiàlái, kàn kàn tiān, kàn kàn huā, fēnxiǎng wǒmen xīnzhōng bèi bǎohù de gùshì. // Bất thị mỗi cá nhân đô thích … Read more

Journey Within

🌍🚗🌄 Perhaps we go so far not to see the scenery, but to go to the end of the world to meet ourselves. Because only in such a remote place, you can leave the world behind you. // 或许我们走那么远,不是为了看风景,而是为了去天地的尽头会一会自己。因为只有在那样遥远的地方,你才能把喧嚣的人世抛在身后。 Huòxǔ wǒmen zǒu nàme yuǎn, bùshì wèile kàn fēngjǐng, ér shì wèile qù tiāndì de jìntóu … Read more

Life Metaphor

🛤️🍃🌇 Life is like a road, you need to go from the wilderness to the picturesque scenery. // 人生如路,须在荒凉中走出繁华的风景来。 Rénshēng rú lù, xū zài huāngliáng zhōng zǒuchū fánhuá de fēngjǐng lái. // Nhân sinh như lộ, tu tại hoang lương trung tẩu xuất phồn hoa đích phong cảnh lai. // Đời người cũng như con … Read more

Time Machine

✈️⏳💕 There are people who you can meet by taking a plane, and there are people who you need a time machine to meet. // 有的人坐飞机就能见面,有的人需要坐时光机才能相见。 Yǒu de rén zuò fēijī jiù néng jiànmiàn, yǒu de rén xūyào zuò shíguāng jī cáinéng xiāng jiàn. // Hữu đích nhân tọa phi cơ tựu năng kiến diện, … Read more