Stroll In Red Dust

🚶‍♀️🌸🌳 #StrollInRedDust #ClearPath #AzureWaters #EndlessSerenity Strolling along the intertwining paths of the mortal world, It matters not who accompanies you, What truly matters is finding that clear and transparent path for oneself, From then on, amidst azure waters and cliffside clouds, The sky vast, the earth expansive, Endless serenity awaits. // 漫步在红尘交错的阡陌上,与谁同行并不重要,重要的是给自己找到那条明朗通透的路,此后碧水云崖,天高地远,不尽悠然。 Mànbù zài hóngchén … Read more

Difficult Choices

Nhìn cái hình trên chai Nông Phu Sơn Tuyền này nhớ đến câu nói của Mạnh Tử: 🐟🐻⚖️ I like fish, and I also like bear’s paws. If I cannot have the two together, I will let the fish go, and take the bear’s paws. // 鱼,我所欲也;熊掌,亦我所欲也。二者不可得兼,舍鱼而取熊掌者也。 Yú, wǒ suǒ yù yě; xióng zhǎng, yì … Read more

Growing Up

Growing up means the dashing of hopes and continual setbacks Why are my dreams slowly eroded until nothing is left Sometimes I really want to cry, but tears don’t come Perhaps you, or maybe him, will organize a reunion? // 成熟就是 幻想幻灭 一场磨炼 为什么 只有梦想 越磨越小 小到不见 有时候 好想流泪 好想流泪 却没眼泪 期待会 你会不会 他会不会 开个同学会 … Read more

Heart Doesn’t Move

💖🍃 If the heart doesn’t move, what can the wind do? If you don’t get hurt, the years will be fine. // 心若不动,风又奈何, 你若不伤,岁月无恙。 Xīn ruò bù dòng, fēng yòu nàihé, Nǐ ruò bù shāng, suìyuè wúyàng. // Tâm nhược bất động, phong hựu nại hà, Nhĩ nhược bất thương, tuế nguyệt vô dạng. P.s.: … Read more