Chess Philosophy

♟️🧠 If the chess game is divided into two, the philosophy of the first half is “not hesitation”, in the latter half it is “no regrets.” So is life. // 如果将棋局一分为二,前半局的下棋哲学是“不犹豫”后半局的下棋哲学是“不后悔”。生活也是如此。 Rúguǒ jiāngqí jú yī fēn wéi èr, qiánbàn jú de xià qí zhéxué shì “bù yóuyù” hòu bàn jú de xià qí zhéxué shì … Read more

Self Love Journey

👣💕🚶‍♀️ Learning to love the sound of my feet walking away from things not meant for me. // 学会爱我的脚步声,远离不适合我的东西。 Xuéhuì ài wǒ de jiǎobù shēng, yuǎn lì bù shìhé wǒ de dōngxī. // Học hội ái ngã đích cước bộ thanh, viễn ly bất thích hợp ngã đích đông tây. // Học cách yêu âm … Read more


🌍💕 Il n’ya qu’un héroïsme au monde: c’est de voir le monde tel qu’il est et de l’aimer. // There is only one heroism in the world: to see the world as it is, and to love it. // 世界上只有一种真正的英雄主义,那就是在认清生活的真相后依然热爱生活。 Shìjiè shàng zhǐyǒu yī zhǒng zhēnzhèng de yīngxióng zhǔyì, nà jiùshì zài rèn qīng shēnghuó … Read more