Truth Of Life

🌲🌍🔍 There are straight trees in the mountains, but no truly upright people in the world. // 山中有直樹,世上無直人。 Shān zhōng yǒu zhí shù, shì shàng wú zhí rén. // Sơn trung hữu trực thụ, thế thượng vô trực nhân. // Núi rừng còn có cây mọc thẳng, ngay thẳng trên đời chẳng có ai. P.s.: … Read more

Four Asian Witches

💉💄🖥️ “Four Asian witches” refers to transsexual surgery in Thailand, cosmetic surgery in South Korea, makeup skill in Japan and Photoshop technique in China. // “亚洲四大邪术”是指泰国的变性术、韩国的整容术、日本的化妆术、中国的PS术。 “Yàzhōu sì dà xié shù” shì zhǐ tàiguó de biànxìng shù, hánguó de zhěngróng shù, rìběn de huàzhuāng shù, zhōngguó de PS shù. // “Á châu tứ đại tà … Read more

Positive Shift

⌛🌪️🌈 10 years ago, we made a fuss over little things; 10 years later, we look at serious problems with disdain. // 十年前,我们一点小事就搞得惊天动地;十年后,再严重的事我们也能表现的风轻云淡。 Shí nián qián, wǒmen yīdiǎn xiǎoshì jiù gǎo dé jīngtiāndòngdì; shí nián hòu, zài yánzhòng de shì wǒmen yě néng biǎoxiàn de fēng qīng yún dàn. // Thập niên tiền, ngã môn … Read more

Torrential Downpours

In everyone’s heart, there must have been wild, torrential downpours. In youth, we have the strength and courage to reach high, fly far, and we always want to roam freely, but lacking the intelligence, insight, and experience. Growing up, with enough wisdom, intelligence, and experience, yet lacking the courage to leave behind a stable life. … Read more