
🌬️💖🤲 My happiness is not too much, you see, So I despise idle hands that roam free. My happiness is in the windy day, With one steadfast heart that will never stray. My happiness is simple, I must say, When hands are held, they never let go astray. // Hạnh phúc của tôi không có … Read more

Life Moments

🌟❤️🙌 Having once experienced pain, now encountering happiness without care, Meeting moments of joy, sometimes feeling dazed. // 曾经的痛苦现在遇到幸福不在意 遇到快乐来时可能惊讶得嘴巴合不起。 Céngjīng de tòngkǔ xiànzài yù dào xìngfú bù zàiyì Yù dào kuàilè lái shí kěnéng jīngyà dé zuǐbā hé bu qǐ. // Tằng kinh đích thống khổ hiện tại ngộ đáo hạnh phúc bất tại … Read more

Self Motivation

⏩🚶‍♂️ If you always need someone to pull you from the front and someone to push you from behind to make any progress, then you are not far from death’s doorstep. // 如果干什么都需要前面有人拉着,后面有人推着才动,那你就离死不远了。 Rúguǒ gān shén me dōu xūyào qiánmiàn yǒurén lāzhe, hòumiàn yǒurén tuīzhe cái dòng, nà nǐ jiù lí sǐ bù yuǎnle. // … Read more

Balance Is Key

🌍🤝🌟 In this world, there are things you can only do alone, and things you can only do with somebody else. It’s important to combine the two in just the right amount. (After Dark – Haruki Murakami) // 在这个世界上,有些事情只能独自完成,也有些事情只能与他人共同完成。将两者恰到好处地结合在一起是非常重要的。 Zài zhège shìjiè shàng, yǒuxiē shìqíng zhǐ néng dúzì wánchéng, yě yǒuxiē shìqíng zhǐ néng yǔ … Read more