Value In Memories

🔖🌟🕰️ You will never know the true value of a moment until it becomes a memory. // 直到一些珍贵的时刻成为了回忆,你才会真正意识到它的价值所在。 Zhídào yīxiē zhēnguì de shíkè chéngwéile huíyì, nǐ cái huì zhēnzhèng yìshí dào tā de jiàzhí suǒzài. // Trực đáo nhất ta trân quý đích thì khắc thành vi liễu hồi ức, nhĩ tài hội chân chính … Read more

Coping Methods

🥤🍺🍹 When we were young, just one Coke could make us happy; now 5 cans of beer only make us a little less sad. // 以前喝一瓶可乐就能很快乐,现在长大了,需要喝五罐啤酒才能稍稍不难过。 Yǐqián hè yī píng kělè jiù néng hěn kuàilè, xiànzài zhǎng dàle, xūyào hē wǔ guàn píjiǔ cáinéng shāoshāo bù nánguò. // Dĩ tiền hát nhất bình khả lạc … Read more

10 Days With The Most Steps In 2019

According to Pedometer app, I walked the most steps in my Sichuan trip: 1. July 5: 31,497 steps ~ 15.12 km* (in Chengdu) 2. July 6: 29,337 steps ~ 14.08 km (in Chengdu) 3. July 3: 28,849 steps ~ 13.85 km (in Mt. Siguniang) 4. June 24: 23,878 steps ~ 11.46 km (in Dujiangyan and … Read more

Sharing Stories

🌸🍃💬 Not everyone is suitable to sit down with me, look at the sky and flowers, and share stories protected in our hearts. // 不是每个人都适合和我坐下来,看看天,看看花,分享我们心中被保护的故事。 Bùshì měi gèrén dōu shìhé hé wǒ zuò xiàlái, kàn kàn tiān, kàn kàn huā, fēnxiǎng wǒmen xīnzhōng bèi bǎohù de gùshì. // Bất thị mỗi cá nhân đô thích … Read more

Adventure Awaits

🌄🌺❤️ Just let me go with you, let me go with you, with the flow of busy people, towards the hills full of flowers, and swinging our sleeves. // 就让我随你去,让我随你去,随着熙熙攘攘的人流,向着开满鲜花的山丘,挥挥衣袖。 Jiù ràng wǒ suí nǐ qù, ràng wǒ suí nǐ qù, suízhe xīxīrǎngrǎng de rénliú, xiàngzhe kāi mǎn xiānhuā de shān qiū, huī huī yī … Read more