Nature Is Healing

Fortunately, there are trees, life still has moments of relaxation, nostalgia still has wings to fly.
Xìnghǎo yǒu shù, shēnghuó hái yǒu fàngsōng de shíkè, liúliàn hái yǒu zhǎnchì gāo fēi.
Hạnh hảo hữu thụ, sinh hoạt hoàn hữu phóng tùng đích thì khắc, lưu luyến hoàn hữu triển sí cao phi.
May còn có cây, đời còn có phút giây dịu lại, nỗi nhớ còn có đôi cánh chấp chới bay. – Nguyễn Ngọc Tư

P.s.: Picture taken in Dalat, Lam Dong, Vietnam in 2008.

Life Is Traffic

🚦🏃‍♂️⚽ #LifeIsTraffic #StaySafe #WorldCupBreak
Life we go through is like participating in traffic. Even if you run on the right lane and stop at the right lights, there are still many people around who don’t follow the traffic rules and crash into you. The exhausting May is over, let’s wait for June to relax and watch the World Cup.
Cuộc đời mà chúng ta trải qua cũng giống như việc tham gia giao thông. Cho dù bạn chạy đúng tuyến, dừng đúng đèn, thì xung quanh vẫn có khối người không tuân thủ giao thông mà đâm sầm vào bạn. Hết cái tháng 5 mệt mỏi rồi, chờ tháng 6 nghỉ hè xem World Cup à.

P.s.: Picture taken in Dalat, Lam Dong, Vietnam in 2008.

Australia, Day 13: Bushwalking At Cumberland State Forest

As usual, my twin sis’d like to take a day off to rest. But yesterday didn’t wear me out so I decided to take a leisure stroll alone. And the destination I picked was the nearby Cumberland State Forest.

I was at the bus stop around 10AM but had to wait for so long that I thought I made a mistake reading Google Maps again. But then the bus came and took me to the forest at 10:40AM.

It took me some time to read the forest map near the gate and figure out which trail to start first. There were 3 main walks with indicators of easy or moderate grade, and 1 great north walk not near the other 3.

As I saw nobody walking like me, I started doubting this place was closed (on Wednesday) but still kept on walking. Then I saw exercising people, not just cars. And I began at the middle of the number 2 trail (red one) where I saw the board called Palm Gully Trail (1km return 1hr moderate grade). I really liked the billboard system of this trail. It guided me through the forest and made me think I wasn’t lost.

And I got to the center of the forest (I guessed) in just about 5 mins. Two thoughts crossed my mind: I either walked too fast, or the time indicators are for kid’s speed. The center had more people. It was like a picnic and bbq area with a cafe nearby. Then I saw the entrance of the number 1 trail (yellow one) with a board written Sensory Trail (350m loop 30mins easy grade).

I followed and old couple and a boy. They walked slowly and the woman helped the boy learn the trees in the forest. I copied them a bit by reading the boards carefully. And it took me 16 mins to finish this trail. Ah, I saw some small trash on the trail. Aussie kids still needed to improve environment awareness though.

I started the Palm Gully Trail all over again. This time I saw some adults bushwalking alone like me. The couple and the boy also did this trail. It also took me 16-17 mins to finish this whole 1km trail.

Then I saw some guys instructing a group of people something. Later, I realized that this game was high ropes course. A former colleague told me that in Vietnam we could find it in Dalat.

Next, I spared 30 minutes to do the number 3 trail (Forestry Trail) bushwalking. That involved some 5-min video recording. Sorry that I tried to stabilize the video in vain.

Then I sit down at the bench to have some peach or plum and watched some birds (rainbow lorikeets and maybe noisy miners) for a while. Indeed, the cawing and/or croaking sound of the birds in the forest was what freaked me out the most.

On the way back, I took my shoes off to remove dust from the inside. Then I found a small tree branch fitting right into the hole of the sole. What a remarkable memory.

It looked like it would rain but then it was sunny again so I determined to walk back to my brother’s home. Took me 1 hour on the streets though my sis-in-law kept calling and told me she’d pick me up.

This must be the best day of my Australia trip though I still have half of the journey to go.

P.s.: Picture taken in Cumberland State Forest, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia in 2018.

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