Explore More
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Explore More

🤔🗺️ It’s been a while since I’ve been anywhere, and I feel lost. Going out hasn’t been a basic necessity like eating and sleeping. But if I can’t go today, there’s always tomorrow and the day after. // 好久没有去任何地方了,感觉很迷茫。因为去不是最低限度的需要,比如吃饭、睡觉。如果今天不能去,还有明天,后天。 Hǎojiǔ méiyǒu qù rènhé dìfāngle, gǎnjué hěn mímáng. Yīnwèi qù bùshì zuìdī xiàndù de xūyào, bǐrú…

Naturally Beautiful
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Naturally Beautiful

💁‍♀️💅🥤 Others try to lose weight in order to become beautiful. They only eat one meal a day, eat only vegetables and never eat fried food, milk tea and all kinds of meat. They run and exercise every day to lose weight. What about me? I am naturally beautiful. // 别人为了变美努力减肥,每天只吃一顿饭,只吃蔬菜从不吃油炸食品、奶茶和各种肉类,每天跑步运动瘦身,我呢?我本来就美。 Biérén wéi le biàn…

Diverse Views
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Diverse Views

🌍🤔🌐 How has living abroad for a long time changed your view of rights and wrongs? Many things are just different, neither right nor wrong. // 异国长期生活,改变了你的哪些「是非观」?很多事情只是不同,并无是非。 Yìguó chángqí shēnghuó, gǎibiànle nǐ de nǎxiē ‘shìfēi guān’? Hěnduō shìqíng zhǐshì bùtóng, bìng wú shìfēi. // Dị quốc trường kỳ sinh hoạt, cải biến liễu nhĩ đích…

Trade Offs
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Trade Offs

🌍✈️🏞️ What is it about living abroad that makes you feel worse than being at home? Got the sky, lost the earth. // 国外哪些事物让你感觉还不如呆在国内?得到了天空,失去了大地。 Guówài nǎxiē shìwù ràng nǐ gǎnjué hái bùrú dāi zài guónèi? Dédàole tiānkōng, shīqùle dàdì. // Quốc ngoại na ta sự vật nhượng nhĩ cảm giác hoàn bất như ngốc tại…

Life Abroad
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Life Abroad

✈️👨‍👩‍👧‍👦🏡 What have you lost by working hard abroad? You have missed some moments belonging to the family which are worth a lifetime. // 在国外打拼让你失去了什么?有些属于家里人的时刻,错过了就是错过了,错过了就是一生。 Zài guówài dǎpīn ràng nǐ shīqùle shénme? Yǒuxiē shǔyú jiālǐ rén de shíkè, cuòguòle jiùshì cuòguòle, cuòguòle jiùshì yīshēng. // Tại quốc ngoại đả bính nhượng nhĩ thất khứ liễu…

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🌍🔍🤹‍♂️ Perhaps it’s not the world that’s boring, but you and I haven’t found an interesting way to live. // 也许无趣的不是这个世界,而是你我还没找到有趣的活法。 Yěxǔ wúqù de bùshì zhège shìjiè, ér shì nǐ wǒ hái méi zhǎodào yǒuqù de huó fǎ. // Dã hứa vô thú đích bất thị giá cá thế giới, nhi thị nhĩ ngã hoàn…

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🤫✨🌱 Do everything quietly, come quietly, go quietly, try quietly, harvest quietly, avoid noise. // 做人凡事要静,静静地来,静静地去,静静努力,静静收获,切忌喧哗。 Zuòrén fánshì yào jìng, jìng jìng de lái, jìng jìng de qù, jìng jìng nǔlì, jìng jìng shōuhuò, qièjì xuānhuá. // Tố nhân phàm sự yếu tĩnh, tĩnh tĩnh địa lai, tĩnh tĩnh địa khứ, tĩnh tĩnh nỗ lực,…

Nature vs. Reality
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Nature vs. Reality

🌿🌊🌞 I never know how natural it is to let it go, but I know how realistic reality is. // 我从不知道顺其自然有多自然,但我知道现实有多现实。 Wǒ cóng bù zhīdào shùn qí zìrán yǒu duō zìrán, dàn wǒ zhīdào xiànshí yǒu duō xiànshí. ​​​​​​​​ // Ngã tòng bất tri đạo thuận kỳ tự nhiên hữu đa tự nhiên, đãn ngã…