FAQ: What Marriage Challenges Do 13 Major Stars Face?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: What marriage challenges do 13 major stars face?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Where is the grave of men’s marriage? 🎭💔🔍

A: Zi Wei values appearance greatly, so never pour cold water on them in front of others.

Tian Ji is always coming up with new ideas, but the feeling of not being truly understood by their partner can drive them to madness.

The dominant nature of Qi Sha is intense, and their ‘better half’ needs to wholeheartedly support them.

Tian Tong can endure hardship in life, but if their spouse frequently changes jobs, it will make them very uneasy.

Lian Zhen is of the ‘can’t stand being restricted’ type. If their partner keeps saying ‘you can’t do it like this, you can’t do it like that,’ they will definitely turn away.

Tian Fu likes it best when their partner appears to be happy and harmonious in front of friends. If their partner can also get along well with their friends, then nothing could be better.

Tian Xiang is very meticulous in everything. If you force them to spend their mental energy trying to guess your mood after a stressful day at work, they won’t be able to bear it.

Wu Qu star, when they can’t find a mental refuge, will want their own space. In that case, let them take care of household chores or children.

Po Jun is most afraid of nagging. Let him do whatever he wants to do, and it will make him more obedient at home.

Tan Lang romantic fortune is very prosperous, but if their wife causes too much pressure on them because of it, they will run further away.

Ju Men understands the emotions of others, but if the wife is overly emotional and sorrowful, they will also not be able to bear this burden.

The secret of the Tai Yin, if constantly mentioned by their partner, will make them very unhappy.

Tian Liang is not used to serving food to their wife at crowded banquets, so never demand that they do it for you.
Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

FAQ: Which Entertainment Games Does Each Major Star Like?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which entertainment games does each major star like?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which entertainment games does each major star like? 🎴🎲🎮

A: Understanding someone’s psychology and satisfying their preferences is the simplest and most effective way to win their heart. Now, let’s delve into the preferences of the major stars to gain some insight.

Zi Wei enjoys games that require strategic thinking during leisure time, such as chess, or online games on the internet that fulfill their desire for dominance.

Tian Ji prefers games with a gambling aspect, such as playing cards, or exciting sports games like racing.

Tai Yang enjoys online games on the internet that provide opportunities for heroic deeds, protecting the weak, but it’s best if they can be paused at any time.

Wu Qu likes games related to making money.

Tian Tong prefers games that don’t require much mental effort, with beautiful aesthetics and customizable character designs.

Lian Zhen enjoys adventurous games that require quick thinking.

Tian Fu prefers games that enhance intellectual development, and additionally, card games and chess are the primary forms of entertainment for those under the Thiên Phủ Star who also enjoy money.

Tai Yin likes games where they can take on roles, allowing them to transform their main character into an ideal figure.

Tan Lang is attracted to diverse games with adventurous elements, but it’s best if they can be played and won quickly.

Ju Men enjoys social games or fantasy games, such as virtual life simulations.

Tian Xiang prefers simpler games, such as straightforward shooting games, which help improve reflexes without being overly complicated.

Tian Liang enjoys games that require slow contemplation, or virtual life simulations that align with their preferences.

Qi Sha prefers war games that require strategic planning, and if there’s a bit of violence involved, it’s even more appealing to them.

Po Jun enjoys conquest-style games with a hint of violence, a bit of bloodshed, or games like racing or risky ones.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

FAQ: Will You Adhere To Principles At Work?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Will you adhere to principles at work?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Will you adhere to principles at work? ⚖️💼✅

A: To achieve success in today’s competitive workplace, filled with talented individuals, one must be humble, listen to the guidance of predecessors, identify areas of vulnerability, and work towards improvement. Only then can progress be made, and one’s capabilities be showcased to others.

The Resilient and Stubborn Group: Qi Sha and Po Jun: Qi Sha and Po Jun are intrigued by novelty. Once they determine a path, they are likely to charge ahead regardless, often being scolded by superiors for their recklessness. Therefore, when they discover that a particular path is challenging, they should brainstorm and consider alternative routes, which might lead to more success.

The Diligent and Hardworking Group: Lian Zhen and Wu Qu: Both stars belong to those who are diligent and hardworking, personally engaging in their tasks without complaints. However, doing everything by yourself might give the impression that you lack competence. Therefore, take a break, showcase your outstanding qualities appropriately, and make it easier to demonstrate your capabilities to your superiors.

The Blind Followers Group: Tan Lang, Zi Wei, Tian Ji: They share the common trait of being eager to learn but often end up shadowing others, hindering their own achievements. If they can act based on their own thoughts when appropriate, they may immediately create a reputation for themselves.

The Favored by Superiors Group: Tai Yang, Tian Liang: Both of them enjoy showcasing themselves to their superiors. However, remember that your superiors might want to promote someone who has the support of their peers. Hence, do not hesitate to invest some time and effort in building good relationships with colleagues.

The Orderly and Principled Group: Ju Men and Tian Xiang: They are accustomed to carefully planning and gradually implementing. If they can break free from their fixed thought patterns in practical work, adapt to changing circumstances, they might achieve higher efficiency.

The Humble Group: Tian Fu, Tai Yin, Tian Dong: They consistently display traditional qualities of humility and courtesy. To earn the admiration of superiors, it is sometimes necessary to create opportunities, demonstrate oneself appropriately, and do so at the right time.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

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