Lack Of Confidants

Don't worry about the lack of confidants in the road ahead, and that no one in the world knows you.

🤗🛣️🤔 Don’t worry about the lack of confidants in the road ahead, And that no one in the world knows you. // 莫愁前路无知己, 天下谁人不识君。 Mò chóu qián lù wú zhī jǐ, Tiān xià shéi rén bù shí jūn. // Mạc sầu tiền lộ vô tri kỷ, Thiên hạ thùy nhân bất thức quân. // Chớ … Read more

Beautiful Mask

🎭 What disgusted her was not the ugliness of the world, but the beautiful mask worn by the world. (The Unbearable Lightness of Being) // 令她反感的,远不是世界的丑陋,而是这个世界所戴的漂亮面具。–《不能承受的生命之轻》 Lìng tā fǎngǎn de, yuǎn bùshì shìjiè de chǒulòu, ér shì zhège shìjiè suǒ dài de piàoliang miànjù.–“Bùnéng chéngshòu de shēngmìng zhī qīng” // Lệnh tha phản cảm đích, … Read more

We All Get Lost Sometimes

[🌲 International Day of Forests] Sail away to the sun Yeah, I hope you find A little truth in a world full of pretty lies Don’t cry, don’t cry We all get lost sometimes (Lost – Goo Goo Dolls) P.s.: Picture taken in Mounigou Valley, Huanglong, Ngawa (Aba) Prefecture, Sichuan, China in 2019.

I Came Across A Fallen Tree

[International Day of Forests] I came across a fallen tree I felt the branches of it looking at me Is this the place we used to love? Is this the place that I’ve been dreaming of? (Somewhere only we know – Keane) P.s.: Picture taken in Mounigou Valley, Huanglong, Ngawa (Aba) Prefecture, Sichuan, China in … Read more

Just Keep Going

💪🚀👊 No matter how hard it is, just keep going because you only fail when you give up. // 无论多么艰难,都要继续向前,因为只有你放弃的那一刻,你才输了。 Wúlùn duōme jiānnán, dōu yào jìxù xiàng qián, yīnwèi zhǐyǒu nǐ fàngqì dì nà yīkè, nǐ cái shūle. // Vô luận đa yêu gian nan, đô yếu kế tục hướng tiền, nhân vi chích hữu … Read more