Australia, Day 17: Blue Mountains

It was raining a lot today when we headed out for the Blue Mountains. I only planned to see the Three Sister, but then it was so foggy that I didn’t see anything. I decided to wait by hanging around. And when I followed others to see around, it turned out that a short walk costed much more time. It was a trek. Off the stairs, I encouraged my sis to walk to the next destination which I didn’t even know where in the map. As if I had a map haha.

The rain got harder each step I took. I felt delighted at first 4 hours then I saw the 1/2 way (of the Federal Pass Walking Track?) I looked like a drowned rat, and started feeling a bit cold. Thinking about escaping the forest, my sister decided that we take the cableway up and not climb the stairs to shelter from the rain after we went almost all the way to the longest 2.4km boardwalk loop in the southern hemisphere(?)

Our hair was wet like we went to the beach instead of the forest because we had no umbrella or rain coat. However, I liked today a lot even though we didn’t see any sister on the way back.

P.s.: Picture taken in Blue Mountains, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia in 2018.

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