Zi Wei Dou Shu – 2024.1.10 Daily Horoscope

Zi Wei Dou Shu – 2024.1.10 Daily Horoscope

Auspicious: 🐔 Rooster, 🐵 Monkey, 🐭 Rat
Inauspicious: 🐲 Dragon, 🐰 Rabbit or 😺 Cat, 🐶 Dog

Auspicious zodiacs:
🐔 Rooster:
For those born in the year of the Rooster, today will be a day full of surprises. The sun is shining, everything is going smoothly, both in life and work, and I have gained a lot. If you are in a happy mood, you may attend a party or wedding banquet. Not only will you be more happy, you may also encounter unexpected good things.

🐵 Monkey:
People born in the year of the Monkey will be smiling and full of energy today. With the help of noble people, even if they encounter difficulties, they can turn the danger into safety and make you feel happy all day long. It is recommended to share good things with friends, or invite them to a party so that they can also feel your joy.

🐭 Rat:
People born in the year of the Rat will have clear thinking and full of energy today, and will easily come up with innovative ideas, and things will go smoothly. If someone needs your help, reach out; it’s a great opportunity to deepen relationships with colleagues. If you have time, you can chat and drink tea with experienced people or elders, you will benefit a lot.

Inauspicious zodiacs:
🐲 Dragon:
People born in the year of the Dragon will be in a bad mood today, be under a lot of pressure, work will not be progressing smoothly, and may also have conflicts with family and friends due to disagreements. It is recommended that you compromise appropriately, and there may be a different turn for the better. Also pay attention to money matters to avoid losses.

🐰 Rabbit or 😺 Cat:
People born in the year of the Rabbit/Cat may be a little disappointed today. It is difficult to earn income, and various expenses have increased. They feel like they cannot make ends meet, and the shrinkage of money is distressing. In addition, don’t be too stubborn in what you say or do, think twice before you act, otherwise you may offend others.

🐶 Dog:
People born in the year of the Dog are not in good condition today, giving people a feeling of being sick and unable to lift their spirits no matter what they do. It is recommended to take proper rest and combine work and rest to improve efficiency. In addition, you can also exercise at home or in the gym to relax and exercise.

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