FAQ: How To Use Plants To Change Your Career Luck?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: How To Use Plants To Change Your Career Luck?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: How to use plants to change your career luck? 🌱💼🍀

A: Qi Sha: Snake plants can boost your confidence and enhance your charisma in your career.

Po Jun: Cactus plants can inspire your fighting spirit and help you achieve new heights in your career.

Lian Zhen: Wallace Yew trees can calm your mind in urgent situations and help you maintain your determination.

Tan Lang: Snapdragon plants can improve your sensitivity, leading your career to greater success.

Zi Wei: Dragon’s blood plants can sharpen your mind and provide clarity, enabling you to make more accurate judgments.

Tian Fu: Dumb Cane plants can make you more resolute in decision-making, strengthening your career path.

Wu Qu: Golden barrel cactus plants can bring financial luck and boost your business endeavors.

Tian Xiang: Canna lily plants can enhance your advantages and bring you more luck.

Tai Yang: Pomegranate trees can make your thinking more flexible and help you harness energy within yourself.

Ju Men: Aloe Vera plants can absorb harmful substances from the air, making your thinking clearer.

Tian Ji: Calathea roseopicta plants play an important role in keeping your mind alert and making the right decisions.

Tian Liang: Pistachio trees can stimulate a youthful attitude, opening up new avenues in your career.

Tian Tong: Stone Lotus plants can brighten your mood, improving the quality of your work.

Tai Yin: Orchid plants have a soothing effect on relieving work-related stress and boosting your work spirit.

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Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Fu Xiang Chao Yuan

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Fu Xiang Chao Yuan

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Fu Xiang Chao Yuan

The Fu Xiang Chao Yuan constellation refers the two stars Tian Fu and Tian Xiang in conjunction with the Destiny palace. Additionally, when the Destiny palace is located in Horse, Tian Fu in Dog, and Tian Xiang in Tiger, this creates the structure known as the “Tian Fu and Tian Xiang in Royal Court”.

An ancient verse says:
“In the Destiny palace, if Tian Fu and Tian Xiang meet,
Without malefic stars, one will serve a great king.
Wealth and nobility will both be present, admired by others,
With a grand legacy that spans the heavens and earth.”

Tian Fu is a major star of the Southern Dipper, and the ancients referred to it as “General of Command” and “Star of National Defense,” responsible for safeguarding wealth.

Tian Xiang, known as the “seal star,” was called “Star of Title and Rank” by the ancients.

Thus, Tian Xiang and Tian Fu form a pair known as the “Stars of Authority and Wealth.” In Zi Wei Dou Shu, certain stars often need to be viewed as pairs, referred to as “dual stars,” and “Tian Fu, Tian Xiang” is one of the most important pairs. The saying “when encountering Tian Fu, look at Tian Xiang” reflects this relationship.

Tian Fu is rarely in a debilitated position in the 12 palaces, but it dislikes residing in the Snake, Pig, Ox, or Sheep/Goat palace. This is because Tian Xiang becomes debilitated in the Rabbit/Cat and Rooster palace. Hence, when Tian Fu is in the Pig or Sheep/Goat palace and aligns with the Rabbit/Cat palace, or when Tian Fu is in the Snake or Ox palace and aligns with the Rooster palace, their overall influence is weakened.

The best configuration for the Fu Xiang Chao Yuan constellation is when Tian Xiang is in the Rat palace and Tian Fu in the Monkey palace, or Tian Xiang in the Horse palace and Tian Fu in the Tiger palace, or Tian Xiang in the Monkey palace and Tian Fu in the Dragon palace.

Tian Fu performs best when not alone, indicating someone with a just and righteous character. If Tian Fu stands alone, it can lead to a more cunning personality, though this “cunning” often translates to business acumen in today’s world.

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

FAQ: How Will People With Different Major Star Spend Money?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: How will people with different major star spend money?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: How will people with different major star spend money? 💸🌟🛍️

A: An individual’s spending habits are not only determined by their financial status, but also by their personality. It is not necessary that a person with a lot of money would spend it lavishly. While some individuals prefer to scrutinize prices before making a purchase, others may aspire to acquire high-end products.

Zi Wei: People belonging to Zi Wei are very concerned about the feeling that luxury goods bring, so for them, the price is just a fictional number, what they like is what really matters.

Tan Lang: People belonging to Tan Lang are indiscriminate consumers. Whether it’s a high-end brand or a cheap item on the side of the road, they all have them in their hands.

Po Jun: People belonging to Po Jun know how to be very economical. However, when they spend extravagantly, it will also surprise you.

Qi Sha: People belonging to Qi Sha are very practical and willing to spend a large amount of money to buy good things, even if they feel that the price is too high, they will only bargain and not choose inferior products.

Wu Qu: People belonging to Wu Qu have the clearest idea about spending, and they like to buy good things at a low price.

Tian Liang: People belonging to Tian Liang are very image-conscious. If buying expensive items can make them more glamorous, they will not hesitate to spend money. But if they can afford it at a lower price, they’ll like it even more.

Tai Yang: People belonging to Tai Yang are the most popular among sellers because they almost do not care about the price of goods.

Tian Tong: People belonging to Tian Tong are optimistic and the price of goods may limit their spending, but it cannot help them limit consumption.

Tian Xiang: They are conservative in spending. If the product or brand is familiar to them, they do not pay attention to the price, but if the brand is not good, no matter how low the price is, they will not be tempted.

Tai Yin: They have a strong will and do not hesitate to compare prices at various stores.

Ju Men: People belonging to Ju Men cannot resist the recommendations of experts. In that case, no matter how much the price is, they are willing to pay.

Tian Ji: People born under Tian Ji are very intelligent, have clear spending principles like Tai Yin, and they often calculate, bargain and compare prices.

Lian Zhen: People born under Lian Zhen are not concerned about the high or low price, but rather the inherent value of the product. If they discover an item that is not worth buying, they will immediately turn around and leave.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

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