FAQ: How Do Major Stars Use Food To Increase Luck?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: How do major stars use food to increase luck?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: How do major stars use food to increase luck? 🍀🍽️🔮

A: People born under Qi Sha are prone to being hot-tempered and losing many opportunities. It is best to eat many simple vegetables to reduce the burden on the body and calm the mind.

People born under Po Jun are easily affected by external factors, so they should eat sour fruits to stimulate their brain and be more flexible in handling situations.

People born under Lian Zhen can eat many memory-enhancing foods such as carrots and green vegetables, which can not only make them happy but also help them develop their knowledge.

People born under Tan Lang are good at communication and often eat bean products to be more agile and flexible.

People born under Zi Wei are usually ambitious, so eating strawberries can be beneficial for relaxing emotions and reducing pressure.

People born under Tian Fu, if they want to improve their destiny, need to be stronger. Pineapple has the effect of promoting good blood circulation and also helps to keep your spirits comfortable, making you always enthusiastic and determined.

People born under Wu Qu can eat a lot of apples to enhance their quick thinking abilities and adaptability in any situation.

People born under Tian Xiang sometimes experience unstable willpower due to worries, so eating bananas can help alleviate your worries to a certain extent, making you optimistic and persistent.

People born under Tian Ji often have fluctuating spirits, so they should eat foods rich in nutrients such as stewed chicken with red dates, and lychees. These foods can help you stay alert.

Those born under Tai Yin are prone to disappointment and boredom, so they should eat plenty of watercress, which can make you feel mentally comfortable and energized.

Individuals born under Tian Liang should eat a lot of tea to enhance their clear thinking and bring unexpected luck.

Those born under Tian Tong need to cultivate patience, so they should consume a lot of seaweed and algae to strengthen their inner resilience.

People born under Tai Yang should eat plenty of foods like turnips and bone broth. Not only will this make your thinking more active, but it will also help you maintain a lively spirit.

People born under Ju Men should eat a variety of seafood such as octopus and squid. It is beneficial for both physical and mental health. With good nutrition, your thinking will be clear, and your spirit will be open-minded.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

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FAQ: Which Major Star Is Talkative?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which major star is talkative?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which major star is talkative? 🎙️🌟🗣️

A: Although women are naturally talkative, some are meticulous, some are hot-tempered, while others have a natural ability to talk and never stop, so the way they are fussy and the content they speak is different. So among the 14 major stars, who is the typical talkative person?

Ju Men: Women born under Ju Men are meticulous, good at speaking, and arrogant. They speak out their dissatisfaction without caring whether others can accept it or not, and their sharp tongues can easily hurt others in debates.

Tai Yang: Women born under Tai Yang are enthusiastic, straightforward, argumentative, and aggressive. Due to their innate enthusiasm, they listen carefully to everything that people say. Moreover, those born under Tai Yang cannot tolerate a dull and oppressive atmosphere, so they talk non-stop.

Tian Ji: People born under Tian Ji have agile thinking, good at guessing others’ thoughts, and they think deeply about everything. When they start, they cannot stop talking. Therefore, they can easily solve doubts for others and become the military strategist for their friends.

Tian Liang: Women born under Tian Liang are probably the truly talkative ones because they like to help others without expecting any reward, and are willing to bear the suffering in their hearts. They often advise others out of fear of others making mistakes, which can easily make others resentful.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

FAQ: How To Attract The Attention Of Different Customers?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: How to attract the attention of different customers?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: How to attract the attention of different customers? 🎯👀💡

A: Customers are like gods, and to retain familiar customers, we must know how they like to be served. Different major stars have different preferences, and understanding these preferences is key to providing excellent service.

Zi Wei customers like to feel pampered and elevated. Allow them to make their own choices, then compliment them with words like “You have a discerning eye.” This can easily secure their favor for their next visit.

Tian Ji appreciates conversation and bargaining. If the service staff remains patient, genuine, and even offers a small gift, it is sure to delight them.

Tai Yang prefers sincere and trustworthy service. As long as they get genuine and authentic products, they will appreciate and support both you and your store.

Wu Qu customers typically enter the store with a clear idea of what they want to buy. Display a friendly and patient attitude while presenting each item to them one by one, and they will appreciate the attention.

Tian Tong demands “attentive service.” If the service staff treats them as they would treat friends, it can touch them to the point of making purchases they didn’t initially intend.

Lian Zhen prefers versatile service and the ability to call anytime.

Tian Fu appreciates service staff who think for the customers. If the staff reminds them to handle their belongings carefully while browsing, they will be deeply moved.

Tai Yin requires trust when making a purchase. If the service staff persistently introduces various products, assists them friendly in decision-making, they will become your customers.

Tan Lang likes neatly dressed service staff with harmonious clothing colors and an open personality.

Ju Men appreciates service staff who don’t impose any pressure, silently accompany them, and are good listeners.

Tian Xiang likes polite, gentle service staff with professional product introductions.

Tian Liang likes service staff who can introduce them to promotions or discounted products, making them feel friendly.

Qi Sha likes quick-witted service staff who can promptly find the exact product they request.

Po Jun, when shopping, likes to follow their inspiration. If the service staff can understand their thoughts and provide detailed information about products that catch their interest, they will win their favor.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

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