FAQ: Which Major Star Loves Money More Than Life?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which major star loves money more than life?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which major star loves money more than life? 💰❤️‍🔥

A: There is a saying, “With money, one can control even the gods,” so for some people, money is more important than their own life, and they will do anything to keep it.

Wu Qu: In the belief of people born under Wu Qu, the first thing to consider in any job is money. They believe that money must be earned and cherished, and those born under this star are very attached to the idea that “With money, one can control even gods and demons.” Money is so important to them that they must save as much of it as possible.

Tian Fu: For people born under Tian Fu, having money is synonymous with having a good reputation. They feel embarrassed if they don’t have money, so they always think of ways to make money. They also believe that money is the best tool. For those who value money as much as those born under Tian Fu, losing money is as painful as losing their liver and gallbladder.

Tai Yin: People born under Tai Yin do not care about other people’s attitudes towards them. They want their loved ones to have a safe life and they also want to have a peaceful and happy life, so they will try their best to make money.

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Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Wen Gui Wen Hua

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Wen Gui Wen Hua

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Wen Gui Wen Hua

The Wen Gui Wen Hua constellation refers to having Wen Qu and Wen Chang in the Destiny palace, which is positioned in the Ox or Sheep/Goat palace.

An ancient verse says:
“Books and scriptures are divine gifts from the heavens
Awakening talents for national stability and world salvation
Life’s path of prosperity and glory is truly commendable
Leisurely strolling as if ascending to the ethereal realm.”

In ancient times, during the era of civil service exams, education and scholarly achievements were the most respected paths to success. Therefore, traditional astrology in Zi Wei Dou Shu greatly valued the stars Wen Chang and Wen Qu. More than three constellations related to these two stars were also highly regarded. This highlights the great importance placed on “scholarly” stars by ancestors.

In modern society, we must consider these constellations in a contemporary context.

When Wen Chang and Wen Qu reside together in the Destiny palace, the individual is naturally refined, elegant, and possesses a unique charm, combined with intelligence and good looks. These are their strengths.

However, Wen Chang and Wen Qu are not major stars, and their influence is relatively weak. In ancient times, where the main competition was through civil exams, this was manageable. But in today’s society, where competition extends beyond exams to include power struggles and other challenges, having strong major stars to support these constellations is essential for adapting to the times.

In the past, female destinies were not given much importance, so this constellation was not associated with women. However, if a woman has both Wen Chang and Wen Qu in her Destiny palace, she may face emotional difficulties after marriage. If her Destiny palace is also aspected by the stars Tian Fu and Wu Qu, she might be pursued by married men, leading to emotional distress and complex situations. Therefore, in modern society, the Wen Gui Wen Hua constellation does not hold the same positive implications as it did in ancient times.

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
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FAQ: Which Major Star Can Turn Beauty Into Capital?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which major star can turn beauty into capital?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which major star can turn beauty into capital? 💅🤑💰

A: In this world, there are countless ways to make money. Some people are lucky and make a lot of money easily, while others are unlucky and struggle to make ends meet. Beauty is the most direct way to earn money and can help individuals create more opportunities for themselves, allowing their abilities to shine. Of course, beauty is not just about appearance but also includes other aspects such as style and character. Among the 14 stars in the Zi Wei Dou Shu astrology system, some stars are very good at using their beauty to their advantage.

Tan Lang: Those born under Tan Lang are very charming, talented, and have good communication skills and positive relationships. They are very good at makeup and will never appear unkempt in front of others. Given the opportunity, they will naturally show off their talents and receive the admiration of others. As a result, they easily make friends, which is a good foundation for their development.

Lian Zhen: Those born under Lian Zhen have a strong inner nature but may not appear very strong on the surface, which is known as the second type of charming. They have active and positive relationships and good connections. In business, the help of the opposite sex can help them succeed in their careers.

Tian Fu: Those born under Tian Fu are very skilled at dressing up and love to use clothing to embellish themselves. Men born under this star will certainly dress elegantly and be romantic, while women born under this star will certainly be beautifully made up. However, they cannot withstand overly tiring and difficult tasks. If those born under Tian Fu can handle these tasks, their lives will be more fulfilling.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

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