FAQ: How To Use Plants To Change Your Career Luck?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: How To Use Plants To Change Your Career Luck?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: How to use plants to change your career luck? 🌱💼🍀

A: Qi Sha: Snake plants can boost your confidence and enhance your charisma in your career.

Po Jun: Cactus plants can inspire your fighting spirit and help you achieve new heights in your career.

Lian Zhen: Wallace Yew trees can calm your mind in urgent situations and help you maintain your determination.

Tan Lang: Snapdragon plants can improve your sensitivity, leading your career to greater success.

Zi Wei: Dragon’s blood plants can sharpen your mind and provide clarity, enabling you to make more accurate judgments.

Tian Fu: Dumb Cane plants can make you more resolute in decision-making, strengthening your career path.

Wu Qu: Golden barrel cactus plants can bring financial luck and boost your business endeavors.

Tian Xiang: Canna lily plants can enhance your advantages and bring you more luck.

Tai Yang: Pomegranate trees can make your thinking more flexible and help you harness energy within yourself.

Ju Men: Aloe Vera plants can absorb harmful substances from the air, making your thinking clearer.

Tian Ji: Calathea roseopicta plants play an important role in keeping your mind alert and making the right decisions.

Tian Liang: Pistachio trees can stimulate a youthful attitude, opening up new avenues in your career.

Tian Tong: Stone Lotus plants can brighten your mood, improving the quality of your work.

Tai Yin: Orchid plants have a soothing effect on relieving work-related stress and boosting your work spirit.

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FAQ: Which Stars Suggest Love Triangle?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which stars suggest love triangle?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which stars suggest love triangle? 💫💘🔺

A: If there is a third party involved in a romantic relationship, all three individuals will suffer greatly. If your natal chart exhibits the following phenomena, you should be more cautious when dealing with romantic affairs.

Lian Zhen or Tan Lang at the Spouse palace: Tan Lang is the main philandering star, while Lian Zhen is the secondary philandering star. Individuals with either of these stars located in their Spouse palace are often noticed by the opposite gender, and they themselves cannot resist the allure. Especially if there is Hua Lu in the same palace, they become even more amorous. In such cases, they often find themselves entangled in a love triangle, making it difficult to escape.

Men with the Destiny palace occupied by Tian Tong and Tai Yin: These men are usually affectionate and rarely reject others. As they often have a scholarly appearance, they easily attract the affection of women. They themselves are easily moved, leading to the occurrence of love triangles and even “quadrangles” or “pentangles.”

Tian Ji, Tai Yin at the Destiny palace: These women possess unparalleled charm, and men who have the means easily become their prey. However, as they tend to look for potential suitors everywhere, they often find themselves in love triangles. On the other hand, men with this Destiny palace are gentle, caring, and understand the psychology of women, so they also tend to deviate from the right path when it comes to romantic relationships.

Wen Chang, Wen Qu at the Destiny palace: These individuals are talented and emotionally rich. They have attractive appearances and romantic and amorous tendencies, which often lead to love triangles or affairs becoming a common occurrence.

At the Spouse palace, when both Hua Lu and Hua Quan are present: Individuals with both of these stars in the Spouse palace tend to mature early, be amorous, and experience love at first sight. Hence, they easily develop affection for multiple individuals simultaneously.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

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Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Left And Right Stars In The Same Palace

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Left And Right Stars In The Same Palace

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Left And Right Stars In The Same Palace

The Left And Right Stars In The Same Palace constellation refers to the two assisting stars, Zuo Fu and You Bi, being positioned together in the Destiny palace.

An ancient verse says:
“In the Destiny palace, Zuo Fu and You Bi are the roots,
Heaven and Earth are bright, all things flourish,
Great virtues and achievements are honored by all,
The name is celebrated before the jade palace.”

This configuration relies on the concept of the Yuan Dynasty, which states: “Zuo Fu and You Bi bring lifelong blessings” and “When Zuo Fu and You Bi are in the same palace, one dons the purple silk robe.” Ancient people believed that Zuo Fu and You Bi were the emperor’s assistants, so it was natural for their names to be honored in the emperor’s palace, standing before the jade steps.

However, if a person is born in the 4th lunar month, Zuo Fu and You Bi are always together in the Sheep/Goat palace; if born in the 10th lunar month, they are in the Ox palace. So, does this mean that everyone born in the fourth and tenth months will definitely become an official? If so, wouldn’t there be too many high-ranking officials?

In reality, this is not the case. While Zuo Fu and You Bi are sincere and literate, from the perspective of their nature as assistants, they are often in the roles of secretaries or aides. In an organization, the CEO is like the emperor, while Zuo Fu and You Bi serve as important assistants.

The ancients stated that Left And Right Stars In The Same Palace feared that Huo Xing and Hua Ji in the triangle would disrupt and break the configuration. In ancient society, there were no “secretaries or assistants” in the modern sense; today, these roles resemble aides or assistants. However, the most crucial aspect is that Zuo Fu and You Bi must align with a major star.

If Zuo Fu and You Bi share the same palace as Lian Zhen, plus Jing Yang, and meet Hua Ji, this person might even be a fraudster or someone in the underworld.

Zuo Fu and You Bi prefer to form “double star” combination in a single palace, especially in the palace of close relatives. If they appear as “single star,” they often indicate illegitimate children, parents with multiple marriages, half-siblings, or two marriages. But this requires the appearance of the “peach blossom” stars or the four killing stars to be accurate.

Zuo Fu is stronger than You Bi. Thus, when You Bi is in the Destiny palace and meets Zuo Fu, the assistance is often not as strong as when Zuo Fu is in the Destiny palace and meets You Bi.

Both Zuo Fu and You Bi embody optimism, tolerance, and kindness. Therefore, even if the major star of the Destiny palace has a cold, harsh, or pessimistic tone, if Zuo Fu and You Bi are present, they will mitigate these negative traits.

Zuo Fu and You Bi enjoy surrounding the major stars like Zi Wei, Tian Fu, Tai Yang, and Tai Yin. Conjunction in the triangle is also auspicious and can enhance their supportive power.

Zuo Fu and You Bi dislike stars like Tian Tong, Tian Liang, Tian Ji, Ju Men, and Wu Qu. With Tian Liang, they cannot control; with Tian Tong, they indulge; with Tian Ji, they are cunning; with Ju Men, they are gossipy; and with Wu Qu, they are decisive. These characteristics do not align well with the inherent nature of Zuo Fu and You Bi. Though their presence can reduce the negative aspects of these stars, their assisting power is also weakened.

When the traits of a star system conflict too strongly with the “honesty,” “tolerance,” and “kindness” of Zuo Fu and You Bi, it can create internal conflict, leading to turbulence, setbacks, and difficult circumstances in life.

Zuo Fu and You Bi provide “innate” assistance, such as easily forming friendships and receiving help from subordinates without needing to actively seek it. However, if they only appear as “single stars” in a combination, even with many subordinates, the assistance will be lacking.

This trait can be useful for analyzing the Destiny palace. However, if only one of Zuo Fu or You Bi is present, it may indicate a representative or manager instead of a true leader.

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