Trust Issue

💔🌱🤔 I still believe in love, I just find it hard to believe in others. // 我仍然相信爱情,我只是很难相信别人。 Wǒ réngrán xiāngxìn àiqíng, wǒ zhǐshì hěn nàn xiāngxìn biérén. // Ngã nhưng nhiên tương tín ái tình, ngã chích thị ngận nan tương tín biệt nhân. // Tôi vẫn tin vào tình yêu, chỉ là tôi rất … Read more

Effective Motivation

🔥💪 Only pain can make people change, gentle words won’t. For most people, a slap followed by a sweet reward is more effective. // 只有痛苦才能让人改变,苦口婆心不会。对于大部分人,打一巴掌再给个甜枣更好用。 Zhǐyǒu tòngkǔ cáinéng ràng rén gǎibiàn, kǔkǒupóxīn bù huì. Duìyú dà bùfèn rén, dǎ yī bāzhang zài gěi gè tián zǎo gèng hǎo yòng. // Chích hữu thống khổ tài … Read more

Never Seek Any “Cause” From Others (Weibo Article)

[Tiếng Việt ở phần dưới] ❌🔍🙅‍♂️ Never Seek Any “Cause” From Others (Weibo) As long as there is any “cause,” the “effect” is an inevitable outcome. Any “coincidence” is merely a hidden inevitability that the parties involved can’t understand or see. The post-event clarity of the outcome, no matter how much it’s seen, holds little … Read more