Talk Less

Talk less when you’re angry, or else you’ll lose it;
Don’t do things when you’re not in the mood, or else you’ll fail.
Qì bù hé shí shǎo shuōhuà, yǒu yán bì shī;
Xīn bù shùn shí mò zuòshì, zuòshì bì bài.
Lúc giận bất hòa ít nói chuyện, có lời tất mất;
Lúc tâm không thuận chớ làm việc, làm việc tất bại.

Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), also known as Purple Star Astrology, is a traditional form of Chinese astrology that is based on the position of stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth. Learn more at

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