Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Wen Gui Wen Hua

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Wen Gui Wen Hua

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Wen Gui Wen Hua

The Wen Gui Wen Hua constellation refers to having Wen Qu and Wen Chang in the Destiny palace, which is positioned in the Ox or Sheep/Goat palace.

An ancient verse says:
“Books and scriptures are divine gifts from the heavens
Awakening talents for national stability and world salvation
Life’s path of prosperity and glory is truly commendable
Leisurely strolling as if ascending to the ethereal realm.”

In ancient times, during the era of civil service exams, education and scholarly achievements were the most respected paths to success. Therefore, traditional astrology in Zi Wei Dou Shu greatly valued the stars Wen Chang and Wen Qu. More than three constellations related to these two stars were also highly regarded. This highlights the great importance placed on “scholarly” stars by ancestors.

In modern society, we must consider these constellations in a contemporary context.

When Wen Chang and Wen Qu reside together in the Destiny palace, the individual is naturally refined, elegant, and possesses a unique charm, combined with intelligence and good looks. These are their strengths.

However, Wen Chang and Wen Qu are not major stars, and their influence is relatively weak. In ancient times, where the main competition was through civil exams, this was manageable. But in today’s society, where competition extends beyond exams to include power struggles and other challenges, having strong major stars to support these constellations is essential for adapting to the times.

In the past, female destinies were not given much importance, so this constellation was not associated with women. However, if a woman has both Wen Chang and Wen Qu in her Destiny palace, she may face emotional difficulties after marriage. If her Destiny palace is also aspected by the stars Tian Fu and Wu Qu, she might be pursued by married men, leading to emotional distress and complex situations. Therefore, in modern society, the Wen Gui Wen Hua constellation does not hold the same positive implications as it did in ancient times.

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FAQ: Which Stars Bring Wealth And Prosperity?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which stars bring wealth and prosperity?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which stars bring wealth and prosperity? 🌟💰📈

A: In every Zi Wei Dou Shu chart, there are six auspicious stars: Wen Qu, Wen Chang, Zuo Fu, You Bi, Tian Kui and Tian Yue. Only when these six stars are correctly placed can one be considered to have an innate destiny of wealth and prosperity.

These six stars enter the Destiny palace: Having just one of these auspicious stars in the Destiny palace is sufficient to be categorized as someone with outstanding talents. If Wen Chang and Wen Qu enter the Destiny palace, the person will excel in academics and hold a social position. When Zuo Fu and You Bi enter the Destiny palace, it’s considered “great fortune,” indicating the person will have power and the ability to influence the masses. If Tian Kui and Tian Yue enter the Destiny palace, it’s termed “great nobility,” suggesting that regardless of challenges, the person will have noble support and may turn adversity into prosperity.

The six auspicious stars enter the Travel palace: Individuals with this configuration often find their support and career in foreign lands. Therefore, they may not achieve significant success in their homeland but can soar to great heights when venturing abroad, achieving substantial accomplishments.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

FAQ: Is Your Spouse Sneaking Around Behind Your Back?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Is your spouse sneaking around behind your back?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Is your spouse sneaking around behind your back? 😈🔙🤥

A: Is there a possibility that your husband is engaging in secretive activities without your knowledge? Below are some dangerous combinations in astrology. In Zi Wei Dou Shu, you can quickly compare and analyze your natal chart with his to identify any suspicious signs.

If the Career or Mental Palace contains Wen Qu and Tan Lang: If Tan Lang and Wen Qu are located in the Career Palace, he might engage in extramarital affair only once in his lifetime. However, when they stay in the Mental Palace, he will not only be involved in secret activities, but also have a love child and keep that secret until the end.

If your Spouse Palace contains Tai Yin and is also situated in the Dragon, Snake, Horse, or Sheep Palace: Your other half tends to fall in love easily with whoever comes his way. In the past, he might have had a painful love affair. It is challenging to ensure that there won’t be any more “unspeakable secrets.”

If his Children Palace in his natal chart has Hua Ji: Be cautious! Individuals with such a combination in their birth chart are prone to spending their money to support a lover. You need to manage and monitor him more closely.

If his natal chart has the 4 transforming star entering the Spouse Palace: People with such natal chart are not only involved in cheating, but their secret affairs might also prolong. Despite your efforts to sever ties, they might still hold onto each other, and there’s a high chance of someone new replacing the old one!

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

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