Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Tian Fu Chao Yuan

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Tian Fu Chao Yuan

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Tian Fu Chao Yuan

The Tian Fu Chao Yuan constellation refers to the brightest Tian Fu in Destiny palace in the Dragon or Dog position, with Lian Zhen in the same palace, unaffected by killing stars.

Advantages: High-ranking official positions, with both wealth and honor. For women, this configuration suggests loyalty and virtuousness. If Zuo Fu is also in the same Destiny palace, and there are auspicious stars in the opposite or triangle palaces, this arrangement signifies extreme nobility.

Disadvantages: Unfavorable for marriage and romantic relationships, indicating a tendency toward late marriage.

When both Tian Fu and Lian Zhen stars occupy the Destiny palace in the Dog position, and meet other auspicious stars such as Lu Cun, Hua Ke, Hua Lu, Hua Quan, Zuo Fu, You Bi, Wen Chang, Wen Qu, Tian Kui, and Tian Yue, without the interference of malefic stars, the individual fits this configuration. It is considered especially favorable if Zuo Fu or You Bi is present in the Destiny palace, and it is most beneficial for those born in the years of Jia and Ji, followed by the year of Ding. The Dog position corresponds to the Qian trigram, representing the emperor, while Tian Fu represents the minister. Those with this arrangement in their chart are destined for great wealth and high rank.

An ancient verse says:
“The Qian trigram symbolizes the king, Tian Fu the minister
In its proper position, blessings abound
Zuo Fu, You Bi serve the country faithfully
Adorned in gold and purple, they rise to great heights.”

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FAQ: Which Stars Suggest Love Triangle?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which stars suggest love triangle?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which stars suggest love triangle? 💫💘🔺

A: If there is a third party involved in a romantic relationship, all three individuals will suffer greatly. If your natal chart exhibits the following phenomena, you should be more cautious when dealing with romantic affairs.

Lian Zhen or Tan Lang at the Spouse palace: Tan Lang is the main philandering star, while Lian Zhen is the secondary philandering star. Individuals with either of these stars located in their Spouse palace are often noticed by the opposite gender, and they themselves cannot resist the allure. Especially if there is Hua Lu in the same palace, they become even more amorous. In such cases, they often find themselves entangled in a love triangle, making it difficult to escape.

Men with the Destiny palace occupied by Tian Tong and Tai Yin: These men are usually affectionate and rarely reject others. As they often have a scholarly appearance, they easily attract the affection of women. They themselves are easily moved, leading to the occurrence of love triangles and even “quadrangles” or “pentangles.”

Tian Ji, Tai Yin at the Destiny palace: These women possess unparalleled charm, and men who have the means easily become their prey. However, as they tend to look for potential suitors everywhere, they often find themselves in love triangles. On the other hand, men with this Destiny palace are gentle, caring, and understand the psychology of women, so they also tend to deviate from the right path when it comes to romantic relationships.

Wen Chang, Wen Qu at the Destiny palace: These individuals are talented and emotionally rich. They have attractive appearances and romantic and amorous tendencies, which often lead to love triangles or affairs becoming a common occurrence.

At the Spouse palace, when both Hua Lu and Hua Quan are present: Individuals with both of these stars in the Spouse palace tend to mature early, be amorous, and experience love at first sight. Hence, they easily develop affection for multiple individuals simultaneously.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

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Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Dan Chi Gui Chi

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Dan Chi Gui Chi

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Dan Chi Gui Chi

The Dan Chi Gui Chi constellation refers to Tai Yang (the Sun) residing in the Dragon palace and Tai Yin (the Moon) residing in the Dog palace, with the Destiny palace positioned in either the Dragon or Dog palace. Alternatively, it can refer to the Sun in the Snake palace and the Moon in the Rooster palace, with the Destiny palace positioned in either the Snake or Rooster palace.

An ancient verse says:
“The two stars shine brightly and find their rightful place,
Their talent and reputation define a hero,
In youth, success is achieved and a career in government begins,
One step to the sky transforms into a dragon.”

In ancient times, when the brightest Sun resided in the Destiny palace, it was referred to as “Dan Chi” (Sun terrace), and when the brightest Moon resided in the Destiny palace, it was called “Dan Chi” (Moon terrace).

In the past, success in the imperial examinations and obtaining a government position were highly valued, while the wealth of merchants was less respected. Therefore, the Dan Chi Gui Chi constellation was considered highly beneficial for pursuing fame. This led to ancient sayings such as:
– “When the Sun occupies the Rabbit/Cat palace, wealth and honor will follow.”
– “If the Sun occupies the Destiny palace in Rabbit/Cat, Dragon, Snake, or Horse and encounters auspicious stars, great nobility is assured.”
– “The Moon in the Rat palace is like the Moon’s reflection on crystal waters, allowing one to achieve a significant and influential position, becoming a loyal and righteous advisor.”
– “When the Moon shines in the Pig palace, promotions and honors will come swiftly.”
All these sayings emphasize the brightest positions of the Sun and Moon.

However, later scholars leaned toward finding constellations where both stars were bright, aiming to enhance the prestige of the natal chart. This led to the creation of constellations such as “Ri Yue Jing Ming” (The Sun and Moon shine together) and “Ri Yue Hui Ming” (The Sun and Moon unite in brightness). The names “Dan Chi” and “Gui Chi” became less commonly used.

This constellation has strict conditions. First, it must encounter a Wealth (Lu) star. Second, it needs to meet auspicious stars such as Wen Qu, Wen Chang, and Zuo Fu, You Bi. Lastly, it should encounter a few malefic stars like Huo Xing, Ling Xing, Qing Yang, Tuo Luo. If these conditions are met, the chart’s structure becomes highly favorable, making it less reliant on specific constellations.

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Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

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