Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Zi Wei And Tian Fu In The Same Palace

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Zi Wei And Tian Fu In The Same Palace

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Zi Wei And Tian Fu In The Same Palace

The Zi Wei And Tian Fu In The Same Palace constellation refers to the arrangement when the Destiny palace is in the Tiger or Monkey palaces, where Zi Wei and Tian Fu reside together.

An ancient verse says:
“In the same palace, Zi Wei and Tian Fu bring forth noble people,
The heavens and earth are bright, all things are fresh.
Favorably found in Tiger or Monkey, both well-placed,
Fame echoes, shaking the universe.”

This constellation is quite worthy of discussion. Zi Wei, the Polaris star, governs nobility, and Tian Fu governs wealth, seemingly forming a perfect, flawless combination of two major stars.

However, the issue lies in the fact that these two major stars are “in the same palace.” The phrase “The mountain cannot have two tigers” might be a bit exaggerated, but the conflicting natures of Zi Wei and Tian Fu can influence a person’s entire life.

Zi Wei excels in creativity, while Tian Fu tends to be conservative. Zi Wei can innovate and develop new careers, but Tian Fu is skilled at maintaining the status quo—these are contradictory traits. Additionally, Zi Wei’s leadership leans on building trust and authority, while Tian Fu prefers traditional methods of management. These opposing qualities often interfere with each other, preventing either from fully asserting leadership or fostering harmony among subordinates.

The ancients may have overvalued this formation, as their bureaucratic society valued position and prestige more than real innovation. In modern times, where creativity and practical leadership are essential, the Zi Wei and Tian Fu in the same palace constellation is more suited to a middle-management role rather than top leadership.

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Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Left And Right Stars In The Same Palace

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Left And Right Stars In The Same Palace

Zi Wei Dou Shu Constellation: Left And Right Stars In The Same Palace

The Left And Right Stars In The Same Palace constellation refers to the two assisting stars, Zuo Fu and You Bi, being positioned together in the Destiny palace.

An ancient verse says:
“In the Destiny palace, Zuo Fu and You Bi are the roots,
Heaven and Earth are bright, all things flourish,
Great virtues and achievements are honored by all,
The name is celebrated before the jade palace.”

This configuration relies on the concept of the Yuan Dynasty, which states: “Zuo Fu and You Bi bring lifelong blessings” and “When Zuo Fu and You Bi are in the same palace, one dons the purple silk robe.” Ancient people believed that Zuo Fu and You Bi were the emperor’s assistants, so it was natural for their names to be honored in the emperor’s palace, standing before the jade steps.

However, if a person is born in the 4th lunar month, Zuo Fu and You Bi are always together in the Sheep/Goat palace; if born in the 10th lunar month, they are in the Ox palace. So, does this mean that everyone born in the fourth and tenth months will definitely become an official? If so, wouldn’t there be too many high-ranking officials?

In reality, this is not the case. While Zuo Fu and You Bi are sincere and literate, from the perspective of their nature as assistants, they are often in the roles of secretaries or aides. In an organization, the CEO is like the emperor, while Zuo Fu and You Bi serve as important assistants.

The ancients stated that Left And Right Stars In The Same Palace feared that Huo Xing and Hua Ji in the triangle would disrupt and break the configuration. In ancient society, there were no “secretaries or assistants” in the modern sense; today, these roles resemble aides or assistants. However, the most crucial aspect is that Zuo Fu and You Bi must align with a major star.

If Zuo Fu and You Bi share the same palace as Lian Zhen, plus Jing Yang, and meet Hua Ji, this person might even be a fraudster or someone in the underworld.

Zuo Fu and You Bi prefer to form “double star” combination in a single palace, especially in the palace of close relatives. If they appear as “single star,” they often indicate illegitimate children, parents with multiple marriages, half-siblings, or two marriages. But this requires the appearance of the “peach blossom” stars or the four killing stars to be accurate.

Zuo Fu is stronger than You Bi. Thus, when You Bi is in the Destiny palace and meets Zuo Fu, the assistance is often not as strong as when Zuo Fu is in the Destiny palace and meets You Bi.

Both Zuo Fu and You Bi embody optimism, tolerance, and kindness. Therefore, even if the major star of the Destiny palace has a cold, harsh, or pessimistic tone, if Zuo Fu and You Bi are present, they will mitigate these negative traits.

Zuo Fu and You Bi enjoy surrounding the major stars like Zi Wei, Tian Fu, Tai Yang, and Tai Yin. Conjunction in the triangle is also auspicious and can enhance their supportive power.

Zuo Fu and You Bi dislike stars like Tian Tong, Tian Liang, Tian Ji, Ju Men, and Wu Qu. With Tian Liang, they cannot control; with Tian Tong, they indulge; with Tian Ji, they are cunning; with Ju Men, they are gossipy; and with Wu Qu, they are decisive. These characteristics do not align well with the inherent nature of Zuo Fu and You Bi. Though their presence can reduce the negative aspects of these stars, their assisting power is also weakened.

When the traits of a star system conflict too strongly with the “honesty,” “tolerance,” and “kindness” of Zuo Fu and You Bi, it can create internal conflict, leading to turbulence, setbacks, and difficult circumstances in life.

Zuo Fu and You Bi provide “innate” assistance, such as easily forming friendships and receiving help from subordinates without needing to actively seek it. However, if they only appear as “single stars” in a combination, even with many subordinates, the assistance will be lacking.

This trait can be useful for analyzing the Destiny palace. However, if only one of Zuo Fu or You Bi is present, it may indicate a representative or manager instead of a true leader.

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

FAQ: Who Can Keep Your Secrets?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: Who Can Keep Your Secrets?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Who can keep your secrets? 🤐🔒🗝️

A: Those born under Tian Liang have a cautious nature and generally avoid discussing or mentioning others’ private matters. If someone in a group conversation says something detrimental about another person, Tian Liang may even step in to scold them, protecting the privacy and dignity of the individual. Therefore, those under Tian Liang are definitely capable of keeping their friends’ secrets.

Individuals with Tai Yin tend to be friendly, but they never use sharp words to discuss others’ affairs, making them trustworthy keepers of secrets.

While those under Tian Ji are intelligent and sharp, they have a sense of moderation when it comes to gossip and trivial matters. Even if they contribute to a lively atmosphere, they know when to stop and won’t discuss others’ private affairs.

Individuals under Tian Fu dislike conflict and have a compassionate heart. They won’t use harsh words to comment on others, always maintaining an optimistic and progressive attitude. However, occasionally, they may engage in some light gossip.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

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