
Stay Cozy

People laugh at me for wearing thick clothes, and I laugh at others for being completely frozen.
他人笑我穿得厚 我笑他人冻得透。
Tārén xiào wǒ chuān dé hòu wǒ xiào tārén dòng dé tòu.
Tha nhân tiếu ngã xuyên đắc hậu ngã tiếu tha nhân đống đắc thấu.
Người khác cười tôi mặc rất dày, tôi cười người khác cóng đến thấu xương.

Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), also known as Purple Star Astrology, is a traditional form of Chinese astrology that is based on the position of stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth. Learn more at https://ngocnga.net/read-your-chinese-astrology-zi-wei-dou-shu/

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