FAQ: Who Will Let Destiny Determine Love?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Who will let destiny determine love? 🔮🤟🏻🌹

A: Usually, those who follow their destiny in matters of romance tend to have a somewhat passive personality. This can be seen right on the Destiny palace or the Mental palace in a Zi Wei Dou Shu chart.

Tian Tong is in the Destiny palace or the Mental palace: These individuals have strong faith in fate. They believe that if fate has come, it won’t run away, as fate is determined by the heavens. Therefore, they quietly wait for destiny to unfold, without actively seeking it out.

Tian Liang is in the Destiny palace or the Mental palace: These individuals have great belief in the concept of karma from past lives. They think that marriage is the result of past-life debts, and that’s why they are destined to meet in this lifetime, ensuring they will stay together.

Ju Men is in the Destiny palace or the Mental palace: These individuals love fortune-telling. If they happen to encounter a potential lover who fits the fortune teller’s prediction as a destined match, they will choose that person immediately.

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