Zi Wei Dou Shu – 2024.9.6 Daily Horoscope

Zi Wei Dou Shu – Exclusive daily horoscope of the 12 Chinese zodiac signs on September 6, 2024

Auspicious: 🐶 Dog, 🐷 Pig, 🐏 Sheep or 🐐 Goat
Inauspicious: 🐲 Dragon, 🐭 Rat, 🐔 Rooster

Auspicious zodiacs:
🐶 Dog:
People born in the year of the Dog will have a good fortune today. They will be full of energy and have active minds. They will be able to display their talents to the fullest and gain recognition and praise from others. Their love fortune is also good. Singles will have the chance to meet an excellent person of the opposite sex. Those in love will have a sweet and stable relationship. It is advisable to visit elders and discuss marriage.

🐷 Pig:
People born in the year of the Pig will have many happy events today, and their wealth fortune is quite impressive. Investment or cooperation will yield rich rewards, and the money earned is quite gratifying. With quick thinking and clear goals, with the help of noble people, you can also perform exceptionally well when facing important customers, and your work will progress smoothly.

🐏 Sheep or 🐐 Goat:
People born in the year of the Sheep/Goat will be quick-witted and full of inspiration today. They will come up with many new ideas and creativity, which will be easily recognized by everyone and may bring in generous bonuses. You may also receive a call from someone you haven’t seen for a long time, and the conversation will bring back good memories, which will make you very happy.

Inauspicious zodiacs:
🐲 Dragon:
People born in the year of the Dragon lack confidence, a sense of security, and a negative attitude today, which may lead to dissatisfaction or criticism from colleagues and leaders. You need to be more vigilant in financial matters, do not trust others easily, and think twice before acting to avoid financial losses.

🐭 Rat:
People born in the year of the Rat will have a bad luck today, especially in terms of money. Be careful with your financial spending and don’t shop recklessly to avoid spending more than you earn. In terms of love, singles will have good luck with romance; those with partners need to handle conflicts calmly and not hurt each other’s feelings.

🐔 Rooster:
People born in the year of the Rooster will have a hard time getting what they want today. Many things are not as good as they imagined. The effort and reward are not proportional, which makes people disappointed and depressed. Social luck is not good, interpersonal relationships are declining, and it is easy to cause misunderstandings from others because of one word. It is better to participate less in discussions. Silence is golden.

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