FAQ: Who Is Your Ideal Leader?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: Who is Your Ideal Leader?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Who is your ideal leader? 🤔👩‍💼🔝

A: In the workplace, everyone has their own personality. Choosing a superior who suits you is essential for showcasing your hidden talents. Otherwise, you might just sit there lamenting, “I have talent but no opportunity.”

There is a saying, “It’s better to make a wise person wiser than to make a fool feel smarter.” Choosing the right boss when working can enhance the development of your talents. Your success rate will also be higher.

Without challenges and not caring about details, Qi Sha is best paired with a kind and strict Zi Wei leader.

Po Jun is straightforward and honest, but the assertive nature of Po Jun will harmonize well with a lenient-hearted boss Tian Fu.

Lian Zhen has a fresh mindset but is rich in self-respect and pride. Under the flexible management of a Tian Xiang leader, employees will not feel pressured.

Zi Wei is calm, but with the tendency to set excessively high demands while not having strong capabilities, under the guidance of a Tan Lang boss, meticulous supervision can avoid the frequent pursuit of shortcomings.

Tian Fu is optimistic but lacks motivation. Only under the management of a Qi Sha boss can the positive qualities of Tian Fu be brought out.

Wu Qu is hardworking but lacks flexibility in dealing with others. Under the leadership of Po Jun, this will benefit the expression of their strengths.

Tian Xiang is cautious but lacks determination. They can be compensated and supported by the superior Lian Zhen, who is filial and competitive.

Ju Men has good understanding but is easy to rely on talent and be arrogant and contemptuous of others. The superior Tian Xiang will know how to regulate their temper.

Tian Ji often thinks comprehensively and meticulously but lacks the motivation to take action. Under the assertive leadership of Wu Qu, they can be driven forward.

Tai Yin works methodically but is prone to pessimism. Only under the enthusiastic encouragement of superior Tai Yang will they have the motivation to progress.

Tian Liang is mature and calm but overly conservative, lacking enthusiasm. They will complement well with the superior Tian Ji, who likes to dream.

Tian Tong often lacks patience at work. Under the scrutiny of the superior Ju Men, who always seeks flaws, they will be compelled to work diligently.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

FAQ: Which Major Stars Are Stingy?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which major stars are stingy?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Which major stars are stingy? 🌟💰✋

A: Everyone has a different view on wealth, and for those who are reluctant to spend money, we often label them as stingy or cheap. But if we switch positions with them, perhaps we can learn how to better manage our own finances.

Wu Qu: Those born under Wu Qu are always calculating and weighing every penny when interacting with others. If something is worth spending on, they will be willing to spend, but if it’s not, don’t expect them to pull out a penny from their pockets. So when money is in the hands of someone from Wu Qu, it is very difficult to get them to spend it!

Tian Fu: People born under Tian Fu are very practical and believe in the concept of “one good turn deserves another.” Do you want them to treat you to a meal? Do you want to borrow money from them? Don’t even think about it. To those under Tian Fu, the only person who can make them spend money is their significant other.

Tan Lang: Don’t think that those born under Tan Lang spend money like water. In reality, they only spend money on themselves and love to label others as stingy. But getting them to treat someone else is like asking for the moon!

Ju Men: Ju Men people, who are known for being stingy, seldom take the initiative to pay, and if you see them spending money, it’s likely because they need to ask for someone else’s help.

Tai Yin: Those born under Tai Yin are very skilled at pretending to be poor and making others feel like they are struggling financially. Moreover, they often struggle when it comes to paying others back.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

FAQ: Is The Man Beside You A “Potential Stock”?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Is the man beside you a "potential stock"?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q: Is the man beside you a “potential stock”? 🤔💼📈

A: For a woman, finding a man with strong potential as a life partner not only brings pride but also assures a more secure and worry-free second half of life, ensuring essentials like food, clothing, and shelter.

Women often think that a good man can only be encountered, not sought after. In reality, with a little understanding of Zi Wei Dou Shu or Purple Star Astrology, it’s quite easy to find a “potential stock” for yourself, someone who can provide financial stability and security for your life!

The first potential stock: His Destiny Palace contains Zi Wei. Zi Wei is known as the emperor star and always carries the ambition to rise above others. If he meets someone who recognizes and supports his talent, the opportunity for success and prosperity will come to your man.

The second potential stock: His Destiny Palace contains Wu Qu. Wu Qu, known as the Wealth star, indicates strong money-making abilities, but significant wealth accumulation may often occur after the age of 40.

The third potential stock: His Destiny Palace contains Lian Zhen. When Lian Zhen is involved in something, they will see it through to the end. This personality trait makes them likely to break free from their own limitations and become a successful man.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

Book me at https://ngocnga.net/zi-wei-dou-shu/.
Also, please check out my Zi Wei Dou Shu Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/ngocngadotnet.zwds.

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