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Serene And Untroubled

Seeing mountains still as mountains and waters still as waters. With wisdom and enlightenment from life's experiences, one remains serene and untroubled amidst the chaos.

Seeing mountains still as mountains and waters still as waters. With wisdom and enlightenment from life’s experiences, one remains serene and untroubled amidst the chaos.
看山还是山 看水还是水。阅历人生而后开悟、生慧,便可任他红尘滚滚,我自清风明月。 ​​​
Kàn shān háishì shān kàn shuǐ háishì shuǐ. Yuèlì rénshēng érhòu kāi wù, shēng huì, biàn kě rèn tā hóngchén gǔngǔn, wǒ zì qīngfēng míngyuè. ​​​
Khán sơn hoàn thị sơn khán thủy hoàn thị thủy. Duyệt lịch nhân sinh nhi hậu khai ngộ, sinh tuệ, tiện khả nhậm tha hồng trần cổn cổn, ngã tự thanh phong minh nguyệt. ​​​
Nhìn núi vẫn là núi, nhìn nước vẫn là nước. Trải qua cuộc đời rồi ngộ ra, sinh trí huệ, có thể tùy ý để hồng trần cuồn cuộn, ta tự mình thanh thản như gió mát trăng thanh.

Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), also known as Purple Star Astrology, is a traditional form of Chinese astrology that is based on the position of stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth. Learn more at

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