Life Lessons

Life may have regrets, but there’s no need to look back, because going backward is called repeating the same mistakes, moving forward is called self-healing.
人生会有遗憾,但不必回头,因为往回走叫重蹈覆辙,往前走,才叫自我治愈。 ​​​
Rénshēng huì yǒu yíhàn, dàn bùbì huítóu, yīnwèi wǎng huí zǒu jiào chóngdǎofùzhé, wǎng qián zǒu, cái jiào zìwǒ zhìyù. ​​​
Nhân sinh hội hữu di hám, đãn bất tất hồi đầu, nhân vi vãng hồi tẩu khiếu trọng đạo phúc triệt, vãng tiền tẩu, tài khiếu tự ngã trị dũ. ​​​
Đời người sẽ có tiếc nuối, nhưng không cần quay đầu lại, bởi vì quay lại gọi là giẫm vào vết xe đổ, đi về phía trước, mới gọi là tự mình chữa lành. ​​​

Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), also known as Purple Star Astrology, is a traditional form of Chinese astrology that is based on the position of stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth. Learn more at

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: What To Avoid In A Job Interview?

Zi Wei Dou Shu Q&A: What To Avoid In A Job Interview?

Q: What to avoid in a job interview?

A: Tai Yin should avoid answering questions with a lack of confidence, hesitancy, or indecisiveness.

Tian Liang should steer clear of providing answers that are not entirely truthful and contain hidden details. They should be aware that employers have a keen eye for such responses.

Tian Tong should absolutely refrain from hastily inquiring about salary and compensation during the interview.

Tian Ji should overcome their tendency to see people of higher status as potential superiors without distinguishing the right moments for such recognition. This is a significant factor contributing to their failure.

Ju Men should never exhibit their straightforward and sometimes pushy personality, nor adopt a confrontational or pressuring attitude during the interview.

Tai Yang should avoid demonstrating their habit of shouldering too much responsibility.

Wu Qu should be cautious about undermining the idea of teamwork during the interview.

Tian Xiang should be careful not to overly boast about their capabilities during the interview, which might lead to immediate rejection by employers.

Lian Zhen should avoid presenting themselves as overly confident, self-reliant, and underestimating others.

Tian Fu should not hastily dismiss opportunities due to impatience.

Zi Wei is least favorable when they come across as stubborn and arrogant. Leaving the interviewers with an impression that being compliant is not necessarily a bad trait.

Tan Lang is least favored during job interviews when they expose their emphasis on money and wealth over personal development.

Qi Sha should be cautious about neglecting details and potentially alienating the employer.

Po Jun is least favorable in job interviews when their responses are overly blunt and lack observation.

Do you have any other questions about Zi Wei Dou Shu?

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Natural Cycle

Winter is solitude, summer is farewell, spring is the bridge between the two, only autumn permeates all seasons.
Dōng shì gūdú, xià shì líbié, chūn shì liǎng zhě zhī jiān de qiáoliáng, wéi dú qiū shèntòu suǒyǒu jìjié.
Đông thị cô độc, hạ thị ly biệt, xuân thị lưỡng giả chi gian đích kiều lương, duy độc thu sấm thấu sở hữu quý tiết.
Đông là cô độc, hạ là ly biệt, xuân là cầu nối giữa cả hai, duy chỉ có thu thẩm thấu tất cả các mùa.

Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), also known as Purple Star Astrology, is a traditional form of Chinese astrology that is based on the position of stars and planets at the time of a person’s birth. Learn more at

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