Embrace Life

👁️‍🗨️🌱👀 Growth means looking directly at human nature for countless times, the collapse of three views, the frustration of faith, and finally facing it calmly, without sadness or joy. ​​​ // 成长就是无数次直视人性,三观崩塌,信仰挫败,最后坦然面对,不悲不喜。 ​​​ Chéngzhǎng jiùshì wúshù cì zhí shì rénxìng, sān guān bēngtā, xìnyǎng cuòbài, zuìhòu tǎnrán miàn duì, bù bēi bù xǐ. ​​​ // … Read more


🌱💡🚀 Doing things you haven’t done before is called growth. Doing things you don’t want to do is called change. Doing things you’re afraid to do is called a breakthrough. // 做你没做过的事情叫成长 做你不愿意做的事情叫改变 做你不敢做的事情叫突破 Zuò nǐ méi zuòguò de shìqíng jiào chéngzhǎng Zuò nǐ bù yuànyì zuò de shìqíng jiào gǎibiàn Zuò nǐ bù gǎn … Read more