Animals Are Such Agreeable Friends

Animals Are Such Agreeable Friends

Animals are such agreeable friends – they ask no questions; they pass no criticisms. // 动物是如此怡人的朋友,它们不问任何问题,也不提出批评。 Dòngwù shì rúcǐ yí rén de péngyǒu, tāmen bù wèn rènhé wèntí, yě bù tíchū pīpíng. // Động vật là những người bạn dễ chịu, chúng không hỏi bất kỳ câu hỏi hay chỉ trích nào.

As Usual, Like + Comment

As Usual, Like + Comment

As usual, like + comment, I will randomly select one of those who like it to give me an iPhone 14. // 老规矩,点赞+评论,我会从点赞的人里,随机抽一位赠送我iPhone14一部。 Lǎo guījǔ, diǎn zàn +pínglùn, wǒ huì cóng diǎn zàn de rén lǐ, suíjī chōu yī wèi zèngsòng wǒ iPhone14 yī bù. // Thể lệ cũ, like + comment, mình sẽ chọn…

I Always Thought That This Year’s Economy Was Not Good

I Always Thought That This Year’s Economy Was Not Good

I always thought that this year’s economy was not good, until I saw everyone snapping up the iPhone 14, only to find out that it was just my economy that was not good. // 我一直以为今年经济不太行, 直到看见大家抢购iPhone14的样子, 才发现原来只是我的经济不行。 Wǒ yīzhí yǐwéi jīnnián jīngjì bú tàixíng, zhídào kànjiàn dàjiā qiǎnggòu iPhone14 de yàngzi, cái fāxiàn yuánlái zhǐshì…

iPhone 14

iPhone 14

📱💸 You spend 10,000 to buy an iPhone 14, you can only play with your phone, you spend 10,000 to buy an iPhone 14 for me, and you can hold me and play iPhone 14 at the same time. // 你花一万买个iphone14,你只能抱着手机玩,你花一万给我买个iphone14,你可以一边抱着我,一边玩iphone14。 Nǐ huā yī wàn mǎi gè iphone14, nǐ zhǐ néng bào zhuó shǒujī wán,…

Flower Blossom

Flower Blossom

🌺💭 Flowers bloom on the other side, forget your worries and fall into a dream. // 彼岸花开,忘忧入梦。 Bǐ’ànhuā kāi, wàng yōu rùmèng. // Bỉ ngạn hoa khai, vong ưu nhập mộng. // Hoa nở bên kia, quên lo âu chìm vào giấc mộng. — Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), also known as Purple Star Astrology,…

Flowers In Bloom

Flowers In Bloom

🌸😊 The flowers are blooming again, you know what I mean. // 花又开了,你懂我意思的。 Huā yòu kāile, nǐ dǒng wǒ yìsi de. // Hoa hựu khai liễu, nhĩ đổng ngã ý tư đích. // Hoa lại nở rồi, bạn hiểu ý tôi chứ. — Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), also known as Purple Star Astrology, is…

Beauty In All

Beauty In All

🌼🌸 Blooming or not blooming, flowers are flowers. // 盛开或不盛开,花都是花。 Shèngkāi huò bù shèngkāi, huā dū shì huā. // Thịnh khai hoặc bất thịnh khai, hoa đô thị hoa. // Nở hay không nở, hoa vẫn là hoa. — Zi Wei Dou Shu (紫微斗数), also known as Purple Star Astrology, is a traditional form of…



🌕✨ The moon is slowly getting round, and things are slowly getting their way. // 月亮慢慢变圆,事情慢慢如愿。 Yuèliàng màn man biàn yuán, shìqíng màn man rúyuàn. // Nguyệt lượng mạn mạn biến viên, sự tình mạn mạn như nguyện. // Mặt trăng từ từ tròn hơn, mọi thứ từ từ như mong muốn. — Zi Wei…

Celebrate Life

Celebrate Life

🌕🥂❤️ Life must be full of joy; don’t let the golden bottle face the moon in the sky. Don’t complain to the moon today; I want to be brighter than it. // 人生得意须尽欢,莫使金樽空对月,今日不和月亮诉心肠,我要比它更皎洁明亮。 Rénshēng déyì xū jìn huān, mò shǐ jīn zūn kōng duì yuè, jīnrì bù hé yuèliàng sù xīncháng, wǒ yào bǐ tā…